Adrien Folville
Adrien Folville
Université de Liège
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Temporal compression in episodic memory for real-life events
O Jeunehomme, A Folville, D Stawarczyk, M Van der Linden, ...
Memory 26 (6), 759-770, 2018
Age-related differences in the neural correlates of vivid remembering
A Folville, MA Bahri, E Delhaye, E Salmon, A D’Argembeau, C Bastin
NeuroImage 206, 116336, 2020
Deciphering the relationship between objective and subjective aspects of recollection in healthy aging
A Folville, A D’Argembeau, C Bastin
Memory 28 (3), 362-373, 2020
I remember it like it was yesterday: Age-related differences in the subjective experience of remembering
A Folville, JS Simons, A D’Argembeau, C Bastin
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-23, 2021
Deciphering the relationship between objective and subjective aspects of recollection in healthy aging. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/osf. io/hjfe4
A Folville, A D’Argembeau, C Bastin
How to induce an age-related benefit of semantic relatedness in associative memory: It’s all in the design.
E Delhaye, A Folville, C Bastin
Psychology and Aging 34 (4), 572, 2019
The impact of age on the temporal compression of daily life events in episodic memory.
A Folville, O Jeunehomme, C Bastin, A D'Argembeau
Psychology and Aging 35 (4), 484, 2020
A gist orientation before retrieval impacts the objective content but not the subjective experience of episodic memory
A Folville, A D'Argembeau, C Bastin
Consciousness and cognition 78, 102879, 2020
Shared event memory in aging: Across-participants similarity of vividness judgements decreases with age
A Folville, N Vandeleene, C Bastin
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 29 (4), 703-719, 2022
A day that America will remember: flashbulb memory, collective memory, and future thinking for the capitol riots
N Cheriet, M Topçu, W Hirst, C Bastin, A Folville
Memory 31 (5), 715-731, 2023
Well‐being during COVID‐19‐related first lockdown: Relationship with autobiographical memory and experiential diversity
A Folville, S Willems, N Cheriet, M Geurten, C Guillemin, V Muto, ...
Applied Cognitive Psychology 37 (5), 1059-1070, 2023
Shared vivid remembering: age-related differences in across-participants similarity of neural representations during encoding and retrieval
A Folville, MA Bahri, E Delhaye, E Salmon, C Bastin
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 29 (3), 526-551, 2022
The impact of semantic relatedness on associative memory in aging depending on the semantic relationships between the memoranda
E Delhaye, A Folville, C Bastin
Experimental Aging Research 45 (5), 469-479, 2019
Age-related differences in the neural correlates of vivid remembering. NeuroImage, 206, Article 116336
A Folville, MA Bahri, E Delhaye, E Salmon, A D'Argembeau, C Bastin
Shared event‐memory for a public event in young and older adults
N Cheriet, A Folville, C Bastin
Applied Cognitive Psychology 35 (4), 1035-1043, 2021
Factors associated with the evolution of fatigue one year after the lockdown period
M Charonitis, F Requier, C Guillemin, M Reyt, A Folville, M Geurten, ...
BAPS 2022, 2022
Young but not older adults adjust their criterion for the subjective vividness of memories according to task context
A Folville, N Cheriet, M Geurten, S Willems, A D'Argembeau, C Bastin
PsyArXiv, 2020
Interactions with the integrative memory model
C Bastin, G Besson, E Delhaye, A Folville, M Geurten, J Simon, S Willems, ...
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42 (e304), 2019
L’impact des connaissances sémantiques préexistantes en mémoire associative dans le vieillissement normal
A Folville, E Delhaye, C Bastin
Revue de neuropsychologie 8 (4), 253-260, 2016
'I Trust You If Your Memory is Detailed': Interpersonal Memory Fidelity Judgments and Social Bonding
C Bastin, A Folville, M Geurten
Available at SSRN 4303218, 2022
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Articles 1–20