Yuan Liu (刘元)
Cited by
Cited by
Price-based distributed offloading for mobile-edge computing with computation capacity constraints
M Liu, Y Liu
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 7 (3), 420-423, 2017
Relay placement for physical layer security: A secure connection perspective
J Mo, M Tao, Y Liu
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (6), 878-881, 2012
Wireless information and power transfer for multirelay-assisted cooperative communication
Y Liu
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (4), 784-787, 2016
Secure beamforming for MIMO two-way communications with an untrusted relay
J Mo, M Tao, Y Liu, R Wang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (9), 2185-2199, 2014
Artificial Noise Aided Secrecy Information and Power Transfer in OFDMA Systems
M Zhang, Y Liu, R Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (4), 3085-3096, 2016
Multi-cell mobile edge computing: Joint service migration and resource allocation
Z Liang, Y Liu, TM Lok, K Huang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (9), 5898-5912, 2021
Multiuser computation offloading and downloading for edge computing with virtualization
Z Liang, Y Liu, TM Lok, K Huang
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 18 (9), 4298-4311, 2019
Energy harvesting for physical-layer security in OFDMA networks
M Zhang, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (1), 154-162, 2015
Energy-efficient SWIPT in IoT distributed antenna systems
Y Huang, M Liu, Y Liu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2646-2656, 2018
Optimal channel and relay assignment in OFDM-based multi-relay multi-pair two-way communication networks
Y Liu, M Tao
IEEE Transactions on Communications 60 (2), 317-321, 2011
Resource allocation with subcarrier pairing in OFDMA two-way relay networks
H Zhang, Y Liu, M Tao
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 1 (2), 61-64, 2012
Power allocation for secure SWIPT systems with wireless-powered cooperative jamming
M Liu, Y Liu
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (6), 1353-1356, 2017
Optimization framework and graph-based approach for relay-assisted bidirectional OFDMA cellular networks
Y Liu, M Tao, B Li, H Shen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (11), 3490-3500, 2010
Secure routing in multihop wireless ad-hoc networks with decode-and-forward relaying
J Yao, S Feng, X Zhou, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (2), 753-764, 2016
NOMA-aided mobile edge computing via user cooperation
Y Huang, Y Liu, F Chen
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (4), 2221-2235, 2020
Information and energy cooperation in OFDM relaying: Protocols and optimization
Y Liu, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (7), 5088-5098, 2015
Interference-constrained pricing for D2D networks
Y Liu, R Wang, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (1), 475-486, 2016
Optimal Linear Transceiver Designs for Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks
R Wang, M Tao, Y Liu
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 61 (4), 992-1005, 2012
A dynamic SWIPT approach for cooperative cognitive radio networks
J Yan, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (12), 11122-11136, 2017
Joint resource allocation in SWIPT-based multiantenna decode-and-forward relay networks
Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 66 (10), 9192-9200, 2017
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Articles 1–20