Sonia Soubam
Cited by
Cited by
Human sensors: Case-study of open-ended community sensing in developing regions
K Yadav, D Chakraborty, S Soubam, N Prathapaneni, V Nandakumar, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2013
Bluepark: tracking parking and un-parking events in indoor garages
S Soubam, D Banerjee, V Naik, D Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2016
Using an Arduino and a smartwatch to measure liquid consumed from any container
S Soubam, M Agrawal, V Naik
2017 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2017
Automatic indoor parking system using collaborative smartphone sensing
D Banerjee, S Soubam
US Patent 9,778,341, 2017
BluePark: tracking parking and un-parking events in indoor parking lot
S Soubam, V Naik, D Banerjee, D Chakraborty
Detecting Writing Micro-Events using Motion Sensors in Smartwatches
S Soubam, D Banerjee, V Naik
2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems …, 2023
Handwritten homework monitoring using wearable device
D Banerjee, P Dey, V Ekambaram, RS Mittal, N Rajput, S Soubam
US Patent 10,417,928, 2019
Poster: Understanding the Routine Activities of Students in Campus using Smartphone Sensors
S Soubam, N Goyal, N Adhikari, V Naik
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2016
Location privacy in MobiShare
S Soubam, V Naik
Open-Ended Community-Sensing: Collecting and Processing City Data from Citizens
S Soubam, N Prathapaneni, V Nandakumar, K Yadav, V Naik, ...
TaralMaap: A Robust Liquid Consumption Tracker
S Soubam, M Agarwal, V Naik
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Articles 1–11