James Oreluk
James Oreluk
Joby Aviation
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Morphing and vectoring impacting droplets by means of wettability-engineered surfaces
TM Schutzius, G Graeber, M Elsharkawy, J Oreluk, CM Megaridis
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7029, 2014
Development of an uncertainty quantification predictive chemical reaction model for syngas combustion
NA Slavinskaya, M Abbasi, JH Starcke, R Whitside, A Mirzayeva, U Riedel, ...
Energy & Fuels 31 (3), 2274-2297, 2017
Consistency analysis for massively inconsistent datasets in bound-to-bound data collaboration
A Hegde, W Li, J Oreluk, A Packard, M Frenklach
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2), 429-456, 2018
Application of bound-to-bound data collaboration approach for development and uncertainty quantification of a reduced char combustion model
S Iavarone, J Oreluk, ST Smith, A Hegde, W Li, A Packard, M Frenklach, ...
Fuel 232, 769-779, 2018
CloudFlame and PrIMe: accelerating combustion research in the cloud
Z Reyno-Chiasson, N Nettyam, GL Goteng, M Speight, BJ Lee, ...
9th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Ghent, Belgium, 2015
Diagnostics of Data-Driven Models: Uncertainty Quantification of PM7 Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemical Method
J Oreluk, Z Liu, A Hegde, W Li, A Packard, M Frenklach, D Zubarev
Scientific Reports 8, 13248, 2018
Representing model discrepancy in bound-to-bound data collaboration
W Li, A Hegde, J Oreluk, A Packard, M Frenklach
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 9 (1), 231-259, 2021
Genetic algorithm optimization of a master equation cyclopentane oxidation model against time-resolved speciation experiments
M Demireva, J Oreluk, AL Dewyer, J Zádor, L Sheps
Combustion and Flame 257, 112506, 2023
Does a reduced model reproduce the uncertainty of the original full-size model?
Z Liu, W Li, J Oreluk, A Hegde, A Packard, M Frenklach
Combustion and Flame 226, 98-107, 2021
CloudFlame and PrIMe: accelerating combustion research in the cloud. 9th In-ternational Conference on Chemical Kinetics
Z Reyno-Chiasson, N Nettyam, G Goteng, M Speight, B Lee, S Baskaran, ...
Ghent, Belgium, 2015
Dynamic Chemical Model for H₂/O₂ Combustion Developed Through a Community Workflow
J Oreluk, CD Needham, S Baskaran, SM Sarathy, MP Burke, RH West, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.10093, 2018
Investigation of Dataset construction parameters and their impact on reaction model optimization using PrIMe
A Mirzayeva, N Slavinskaya, U Riedel, M Frenklach, A Packard, W Li, ...
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0143, 2018
Scale-bridging model development for coal particle devolatilization
BB Schroeder, ST Smith, PJ Smith, TH Fletcher, A Packard, M Frenklach, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.00871, 2016
Role of experimental data in validating and quantifying uncertainties in complex physical systems
JR Oreluk
University of California, Berkeley, 2019
Consistent Syngas Chemical Mechanism from Collaborative Data Processing
N Slavinskaya, JH Starcke, M Abbasi, A Mirzayeva, U Riedel, M Frenklach, ...
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0837, 2017
Genetic Algorithm Optimization of A Theory-Based Low-Temperature Cyclopentane Oxidation Model.
M Demireva, J Oreluk, AL Dewyer, J Zador, L Sheps
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2022
A Low Temperature Cyclopentane Oxidation Kinetics Model: Optimization of A Theory Based Sub Mechanism Against Experiment.
M Demireva, J Oreluk, AL Dewyer, J Zador, L Sheps
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2022
Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design for Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Experiments.
J Oreluk, L Sheps, H Najm
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
Bayesian model calibration for vacuum-ultraviolet photoionisation mass spectrometry
J Oreluk, L Sheps, H Najm
Combustion Theory and Modelling 26 (3), 513-540, 2022
Exploring Bayesian Optimal Experimental Designs for High-dimensional Combustion Systems.
J Oreluk, L Sheps, H Najm
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
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