Hongzhou Lin
Cited by
Cited by
A universal catalyst for first-order optimization
H Lin, J Mairal, Z Harchaoui
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
Resnet with one-neuron hidden layers is a universal approximator
H Lin, S Jegelka
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Catalyst acceleration for first-order convex optimization: from theory to practice
H Lin, J Mairal, Z Harchaoui
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (212), 1-54, 2018
Catalyst for gradient-based nonconvex optimization
C Paquette, H Lin, D Drusvyatskiy, J Mairal, Z Harchaoui
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 613-622, 2018
Complexity of finding stationary points of nonconvex nonsmooth functions
J Zhang, H Lin, S Jegelka, S Sra, A Jadbabaie
International Conference on Machine Learning, 11173-11182, 2020
Delayed gradient averaging: Tolerate the communication latency for federated learning
L Zhu, H Lin, Y Lu, Y Lin, S Han
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 29995-30007, 2021
An inexact variable metric proximal point algorithm for generic quasi-Newton acceleration
H Lin, J Mairal, Z Harchaoui
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1408-1443, 2019
Ideal: Inexact decentralized accelerated augmented lagrangian method
Y Arjevani, J Bruna, B Can, M Gürbüzbalaban, S Jegelka, H Lin
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 20648--20659, 2020
Deep hybrid model with satellite imagery: How to combine demand modeling and computer vision for travel behavior analysis?
Q Wang, S Wang, Y Zheng, H Lin, X Zhang, J Zhao, J Walker
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 179, 102869, 2024
Beyond Worst-Case Analysis in Stochastic Approximation: Moment Estimation Improves Instance Complexity
J Zhang, H Lin, S Das, S Sra, A Jadbabaie
International Conference on Machine Learning, 26347-26361, 2022
Unmemorization in Large Language Models via Self-Distillation and Deliberate Imagination
YR Dong, H Lin, M Belkin, R Huerta, I Vulić
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.10052, 2024
On the complexity of minimizing convex finite sums without using the indices of the individual functions
Y Arjevani, A Daniely, S Jegelka, H Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03273, 2020
Perceptual regularization: Visualizing and learning generalizable representations
H Lin, J Robinson, S Jegelka
Algorithmes D'accélération Générique Pour Les Méthodes D'optimisation en Apprentissage Statistique
H Lin
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Articles 1–14