Anne Stenger
Anne Stenger
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Cited by
Land use impact on water quality: Valuing forest services in terms of the water supply sector
J Fiquepron, S Garcia, A Stenger
Journal of environmental management 126, 113-121, 2013
Spatial preference heterogeneity in forest recreation
J Abildtrup, S Garcia, SB Olsen, A Stenger
Ecological economics 92, 67-77, 2013
Willingness-to-pay for food safety: An experimental investigation of quality certification on bidding behaviour
A Rozan, A Stenger, M Willinger
European Review of Agricultural Economics 31 (4), 409-425, 2004
Valuing environmental goods and services derived from the forests
A Stenger, P Harou, S Navrud
Journal of forest economics 15 (1-2), 1-14, 2009
The effect of forest land use on the cost of drinking water supply: A spatial econometric analysis
J Abildtrup, S Garcia, A Stenger
Ecological Economics, 126-136, 2013
Preservation value for groundwater quality in a large aquifer: a contingent-valuation study of the Alsatian aquifer
A Stenger, M Willinger
Journal of Environmental Management 53 (2), 177-193, 1998
Public-private partnerships as a policy response to climate change
M Buso, A Stenger
Energy policy 119, 487-494, 2018
The impact of governmental assistance on insurance demand under ambiguity: a theoretical model and an experimental test
M Brunette, L Cabantous, S Couture, A Stenger
Theory and decision 75, 153-174, 2013
Models for sample selection bias in contingent valuation: Application to forest biodiversity
S Garcia, P Harou, C Montagné, A Stenger
Journal of Forest Economics 15 (1-2), 59-78, 2009
Incentive contracts for Natura 2000 implementation in forest areas
S Anthon, S Garcia, A Stenger
Environmental and Resource Economics 46 (3), 281-302, 2010
Influences of nonindustrial private forest landowners’ management priorities on the timber harvest decision—a case study in France
C Petucco, J Abildtrup, A Stenger
Journal of Forest Economics 21 (3), 152-166, 2015
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a biodiversity conservation policy: A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest
E Hily, S Garcia, A Stenger, G Tu
Ecological Economics 119, 197-208, 2015
A bibliography and database on forest benefit valuation studies from Austria, France, Germany, and Switzerland–A possible base for a concerted European approach
P Elsasser, J Meyerhoff, C Montagné, A Stenger
Journal of Forest Economics 15 (1-2), 93-107, 2009
Can payments solve the problem of undersupply of ecosystem services?
N Robert, A Stenger
Forest Policy and Economics 35, 83-91, 2013
Experimental valuation of food safety: Application to sewage sludge
A Stenger
Food Policy 25 (2), 211-218, 2000
Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services: An experiment on the role of auction format and communication
M Krawczyk, A Bartczak, N Hanley, A Stenger
Ecological Economics 124, 36-48, 2016
The Provision of Forest Ecosystem Services. Volume 1: Quantifying and valuing non-marketed ecosystem services. What Science Can Tell Us 5.
BJ Thorsen, R Mavsar, L Tyrväinen, I Prokofieva, A Stenger
European Forest Institute, 2014
Valuing forest biodiversity through a national survey in France: a dichotomous choice contingent valuation
S Garcia, P Harou, C Montagné, A Stenger
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2011
Social incentive factors in interventions promoting sustainable behaviors: A meta-analysis
P Nguyen-Van, A Stenger, T Tiet
Plos one 16 (12), e0260932, 2021
Evaluation contingente et paysages agricoles. Application au bocage de Loire-Atlantique
F Colson, A Stenger
Revue d’Études en Agriculture et Environnement 39 (1), 151-177, 1996
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