Antonios Georgopoulos
Antonios Georgopoulos
University of Patras
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Cited by
Bank branch efficiency under environmental change: A bootstrap DEA on monthly profit and loss accounting statements of Greek retail branches
E Aggelopoulos, A Georgopoulos
European journal of operational research 261 (3), 1170-1188, 2017
Firm acquisitions and earnings management: evidence from Greece
E Koumanakos, C Siriopoulos, A Georgopoulos
Managerial Auditing Journal 20 (7), 663-678, 2005
Airport Business Excellence Model: A holistic performance management system
EP Paraschi, A Georgopoulos, P Kaldis
Tourism Management 72, 352-372, 2019
Cross-border acquisitions vs. Greenfield investment: A comparative performance analysis in Greece
A Georgopoulos, HG Preusse
International Business Review 18 (6), 592-605, 2009
Predicting takeover targets: New evidence from a small open economy
A Tsagkanos, A Georgopoulos, C Siriopoulos
International research journal of finance and economics 4 (1), 183-191, 2006
Auditor awareness of earnings management
E Koumanakos, A Georgopoulos, C Siriopoulos
International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 5 …, 2008
European integration and the dynamic process of investments and divestments of foreign TNCs in Greece
A Georgopoulos, H Gert Preusse
European Business Review 18 (1), 50-59, 2006
Safety and security implications of crisis-driven austerity HRM practices in commercial aviation: A structural equation modelling approach
EP Paraschi, A Georgopoulos, M Papanikou
Safety science 147, 105570, 2022
Firm heterogeneity and performance in a turbulent economic environment: evidence from Greece
A Georgopoulos, KW Glaister
European Management Review 15 (2), 237-254, 2018
Predicting Greek mergers and acquisitions: a new approach
A Tsagkanos, A Georgopoulos, C Siriopoulos
International Journal of Financial Services Management 2 (4), 289-303, 2007
Does the ‘Market for Corporate Control’hypothesis explain takeover targets?
C Siriopoulos, A Georgopoulos, A Tsagkanos
Applied Economics Letters 13 (9), 557-561, 2006
R&D activity and operating performance of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs): The case of a small open economy
E Aggelopoulos, A Georgopoulos, N Eriotis, A Tsamis
Journal of Accounting and Taxation 8 (4), 40-50, 2016
Abiotic determinants of airport performance: Insights from a global survey
EP Paraschi, A Georgopoulos, A Papatheodorou
Transport Policy 85, 33-53, 2020
και Τσαλίκη, Ε.(1993)
Α Γεωργόπουλος
Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση, 0
Customer-driven philosophy in the banking industry under different ownership status: the case of Greece
LG Papazissimou, A Georgopoulos
The Service Industries Journal 29 (5), 607-620, 2009
Prediction of Greek takeover targets via bootstrapping on mixed logit model
A Tsagkanos, E Koumanakos, A Georgopoulos, C Siriopoulos
Review of Accounting and Finance 11 (3), 315-334, 2012
Which targets stimulate cross-border acquisitions? An empirical investigation of industrial organization and trade factors within a competition framework of international and …
A Georgopoulos, G Argyros, G Boura
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 8, 55-72, 2008
Αναδιοργάνωση και μάνατζμεντ αλλαγών στις επιχειρήσεις
Α Γεωργόπουλος
Identification of Greek takeover targets and coherent policy implications
A Tsagkanos, A Georgopoulos, C Siriopoulos, E Koumanakos
Review of Development Economics 12 (1), 180-192, 2008
Ανάλυση λογιστικών καταστάσεων
Κ Αθανασόπουλος, Α Γεωργόπουλος, Α Μπέλλας
Πάτρα: Σημειώσεις μαθήματος, Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο …, 2007
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