R. Gayathri
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Cited by
Surface wave scattering by multiple flexible fishing cage system
SA Selvan, R Gayathri, H Behera, MH Meylan
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Wave attenuation by multiple outer porous barriers in the presence of an inner rigid cylinder
H Behera, R Gayathri, SA Selvan
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 146 (1), 04019035, 2020
Oblique wave scattering by a floating bridge in the presence of a vertical permeable flexible barrier
R Gayathri, P Kar, H Behera, T Sahoo
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 143 (2), 021701, 2021
Mitigation of wave force on a circular flexible plate by a surface-piercing flexible porous barrier
R Gayathri, H Behera
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2021
Attenuation of wave force on a floating dock by multiple porous breakwaters
R Gayathri, MBM Khan, H Behera
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 143, 170-189, 2022
Heat and Mass Transfer Effects on MHD Oscillatory flow of a Couple Stress fluid in an Asymmetric Tapered channel
J Sasikumar, R Gayathri, A Govindarajan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (1), 012167, 2018
Wave attenuation properties of rubble mound breakwater in tandem with a floating dock against oblique regular waves
MBM Khan, R Gayathri, H Behera
Waves in Random and Complex Media 34 (4), 2707-2725, 2021
Wave Energy Conversion through Oscillating Water Columns: A Review
R Gayathri, JY Chang, CC Tsai, TW Hsu
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12 (2), 342, 2024
Wave power extraction by a dual OWC chambers over an undulated bottom
N Naik, R Gayathri, H Behera, CC Tsai
Renewable Energy 216, 119026, 2023
Hybrid boundary element and eigenfunction expansion method for wave trapping by a floating porous box near a rigid wall
H Sahoo, R Gayathri, MBM Khan, H Behera
Ships and Offshore Structures 18 (8), 1148-1158, 2023
Wave attenuation by a submerged circular porous membrane
R Gayathri, MBM Khan, H Behera, CC Tsai
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2022
Wave power extraction from slanted oscillating water columns in the presence of an array of arbitrary trenches
R Gayathri, JY Chang, CC Tsai
Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023
Wave trapping by a submerged permeable flexible membrane near an impermeable sea wall
R Gayathri, J Behera, H Behera
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 73 (1), 24, 2022
Wave attenuation by a submerged flexible permeable membrane
R Gayathri, C Benny, H Behera
AIP Conference Proceedings 2277 (1), 2020
Unsteady stokes flow of dusty fluid between two parallel plates through porous medium in the presence of magnetic field
R Sasikala, A Govindarajan, R Gayathri
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000 (1), 012151, 2018
Wave dynamics around a floating circular flexible plate over a permeable bed
R Gayathri, CC Tsai, H Behera
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 1-24, 2024
Three-dimensional couette flow of dusty fluid with heat transfer in the presence of magnetic field
R Gayathri, A Govindarajan, R Sasikala
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000, 012147, 2018
Wave Power Extraction by a Dual Owc Chambers Over an Undulated Bottom
R Gayathri, N Naik, H Behera
Available at SSRN 4171629, 0
Motion responses with hydrodynamic factors in designing a floating breakwater and wave energy converter: a review
SP Samuel, R Gayathri, S Koley, C Muthusamy
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 1-31, 2025
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Articles 1–19