Shashank Goel
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Cited by
Cyclip: Cyclic contrastive language-image pretraining
S Goel, H Bansal, S Bhatia, R Rossi, V Vinay, A Grover
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 6704-6719, 2022
Joint Spatio-textual reasoning for answering tourism questions
D Contractor, S Goel, Mausam, P Singla
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 1978-1989, 2021
Time delays in skill development and vacancy creation: Effects on unemployment through mathematical modelling
A Rajpal, SK Bhatia, S Goel, P Kumar
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 130, 107758, 2024
Differences in Practices of Feeding Pattern among the Children of Meerut
A Punj, SP Goel, AK Shukla, S Ahmad
International Journal of Contemporary Medicine 4 (2), 31-36, 2016
Performance Analysis of Ci Engine with the Mixture of Diesel and Bio Diesel Blend
S Mittal, P Goel, R Kumar, S Goel, ME Student
Internafional Journal of Engineering Science 17731, 2018
Epidemic and unemployment interplay through bi-level multi delayed mathematical model
A Rajpal, SK Bhatia, S Goel, S Tyagi, P Kumar
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 229, 758-788, 2025
Comprehending The Epidemic Outbreak and Its Financial Implications Through Mathematical Modeling
N Sharma, SK Bhatia, S Goel
AIJR Abstracts, 90, 2024
Final epidemic size and optimal control of socio-economic multi-group influenza model
M Barik, S Chauhan, OP Misra, S Goel
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 139 (1), 3, 2023
FRI0463 Optimizing the assessment of spondyloarthropathy among ophthalmologists–a regional survey
S Goel, P Kumar, A Moorthy
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76 (Suppl 2), 662-662, 2017
Power Generation Potential Analysis by Non Woody Biomass
P Goel, S Mittal, R Kumar, S Goel
Learning Robust Neural Networks using Wasserstein Adversarial GAN
S Goel, P Shah
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Articles 1–11