Timo Lassmann
Cited by
Cited by
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome
ENCODE Project Consortium
Nature 489 (7414), 57, 2012
Landscape of transcription in human cells
S Djebali, CA Davis, A Merkel, A Dobin, T Lassmann, A Mortazavi, ...
Nature 489 (7414), 101-108, 2012
The GENCODE v7 catalog of human long noncoding RNAs: analysis of their gene structure, evolution, and expression
T Derrien, R Johnson, G Bussotti, A Tanzer, S Djebali, H Tilgner, ...
Genome research 22 (9), 1775-1789, 2012
An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues
R Andersson, C Gebhard, I Miguel-Escalada, I Hoof, J Bornholdt, M Boyd, ...
Nature 507 (7493), 455-461, 2014
Pfam: clans, web tools and services
RD Finn, J Mistry, B Schuster-Böckler, S Griffiths-Jones, V Hollich, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl_1), D247-D251, 2006
A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas
Nature 507 (7493), 462-470, 2014
An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs with accurate 5′ ends
CC Hon, JA Ramilowski, J Harshbarger, N Bertin, OJL Rackham, J Gough, ...
Nature 543 (7644), 199-204, 2017
Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas
M Lizio, J Harshbarger, H Shimoji, J Severin, T Kasukawa, S Sahin, ...
Genome biology 16, 1-14, 2015
The regulated retrotransposon transcriptome of mammalian cells
GJ Faulkner, Y Kimura, CO Daub, S Wani, C Plessy, KM Irvine, ...
Nature genetics 41 (5), 563-571, 2009
Myogenic gene expression signature establishes that brown and white adipocytes originate from distinct cell lineages
JA Timmons, K Wennmalm, O Larsson, TB Walden, T Lassmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (11), 4401-4406, 2007
Kalign–an accurate and fast multiple sequence alignment algorithm
T Lassmann, E Sonnhammer
BMC bioinformatics 6 (1), 298, 2005
A user's guide to the encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)
ENCODE Project Consortium
PLoS biology 9 (4), e1001046, 2011
An atlas of combinatorial transcriptional regulation in mouse and man
T Ravasi, H Suzuki, CV Cannistraci, S Katayama, VB Bajic, K Tan, ...
Cell 140 (5), 744-752, 2010
A user's guide to the encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)
RM Myers, J Stamatoyannopoulos, M Snyder, I Dunham, RC Hardison, ...
PLoS biology 9 (4), 2011
Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells
E Arner, CO Daub, K Vitting-Seerup, R Andersson, B Lilje, F Drabløs, ...
Science 347 (6225), 1010-1014, 2015
An integrated expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in human and mouse
D De Rie, I Abugessaisa, T Alam, E Arner, P Arner, H Ashoor, G Åström, ...
Nature biotechnology 35 (9), 872-878, 2017
Small RNAs derived from snoRNAs
RJ Taft, EA Glazov, T Lassmann, Y Hayashizaki, P Carninci, JS Mattick
Rna 15 (7), 1233-1240, 2009
Systematic assessment of tissue dissociation and storage biases in single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq workflows
E Denisenko, BB Guo, M Jones, R Hou, L De Kock, T Lassmann, D Poppe, ...
Genome biology 21, 1-25, 2020
An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase formed by TERT and the RMRP RNA
Y Maida, M Yasukawa, M Furuuchi, T Lassmann, R Possemato, ...
Nature 461 (7261), 230-235, 2009
Genome-Wide Association Study in Asian Populations Identifies Variants in ETS1 and WDFY4 Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
W Yang, N Shen, DQ Ye, Q Liu, Y Zhang, XX Qian, N Hirankarn, D Ying, ...
PLoS genetics 6 (2), e1000841, 2010
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