Lucia G. Menezo
Cited by
Cited by
Topaz: An open-source interconnection network simulator for chip multiprocessors and supercomputers
P Abad, P Prieto, LG Menezo, V Puente, JÁ Gregorio
2012 IEEE/ACM Sixth International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 99-106, 2012
Flask coherence: A morphable hybrid coherence protocol to balance energy, performance and scalability
LG Menezo, V Puente, JA Gregorio
2015 IEEE 21st International Symposium on High Performance Computer …, 2015
The case for a scalable coherence protocol for complex on-chip cache hierarchies in many-core systems
LG Menezo, V Puente, JA Gregorio
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Parallel Architectures …, 2013
Memory Hierarchy Characterization of NoSQL Applications through Full-System Simulation
A Colaso, P Prieto, JA Herrero, P Abad, LG Menezo, V Puente, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (5), 1161-1173, 2017
Improving coherence protocol reactiveness by trading bandwidth for latency
LG Menezo, V Puente, P Abad, JÁ Gregorio
Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computing Frontiers, 143-152, 2012
Adaptive-tree multicast: efficient multidestination support for CMP communication substrate
P Abad, V Puente, LG Menezo, JA Gregorio
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (11), 2010-2023, 2012
Interaction of NoC design and Coherence Protocol in 3D-stacked CMPs
P Abad, P Prieto, LG Menezo, A Colaso, V Puente, JA Gregorio
2013 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 48-55, 2013
An adaptive cache coherence protocol: Trading storage for traffic
LG Menezo, V Puente, JA Gregorio
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 102, 163-174, 2017
Impact of Interconnection Network resources on CMP performance
P Abad, P Prieto, J Merino, LG Menezo, V Puente
Fourth Workshop on Interconnection Network Architectures: On-Chip, Multi …, 2010
Needs of CQoS for future, many-core CMPs to support server consolidation and cloud computing
J Merino, LG Menezo, V Puente
XX Jornadas del Paralelismo, La Coruña, 2009
Needs of CQoS for many-core CMPs: A Case Study
J Merino, LG Menezo, V Puente
Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems (ACACES …, 2009
Implementación de un protocolo de coherencia basado en token en el simulador GEMS
J Merino, LG Menezo, P Prieto, V Puente
XIX Jornadas del Paralelismo, 2008
Rainbow: A composable coherence protocol for multi‐chip servers
LG Menezo, V Puente, JA Gregorio
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (24), e5947, 2020
Mosaic: A Scalable Coherence Protocol
LG Menezo, V Puente, P Abad, JA Gregorio
International Journal of Parallel Programming 46 (6), 1110-1138, 2018
Memory hierarchy characterization of NoSQL applications through full-system simulation
A Colaso Diego, P Prieto Torralbo, JÁ Herrero Velasco, P Abad Fidalgo, ...
IEEE Computer Society, 2018
Sistema y método de mantenimiento de coherencia caché en arquitecturas multiprocesador y multinúcleo
L Gregorio Menezo, V Puente Varona, JÁ Gregorio Monasterio
New scalable cache coherence protocols for on-chip multiprocessors
L Gregorio Menezo
New scalable cache coherence protocols for on-chip multiprocessors:= Nuevos protocolos de coherencia escalables para multiprocesadores en chip
LG Menezo
Universidad de Cantabria, 2014
LOCKE Detailed Specification Tables
LG Menezo, V Puente, JA Gregorio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.5349, 2012
TOPAZ: Un simulador de redes de interconexión para CMPs y supercomputadores
P Abad, P Prieto, LG Menezo, A Colaso, V Puente, JÁ Gregorio
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Articles 1–20