Chai Saengow, PhD
Chai Saengow, PhD
Beckman Institute, UIUC
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Cited by
Exact Analytical Solution for Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow from Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework: Shear Stress
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, C Kolitawong
Physics of Fluids 29 (4), 043101, 2017
Exact Analytical Solution for Large‐Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, C Kolitawong
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 24 (4), 352-392, 2015
Macromolecular architecture and complex viscosity
MA Kanso, AJ Giacomin, C Saengow, JH Piette
Physics of Fluids 31 (8), 2019
Large amplitude oscillatory shear flow: Microstructural assessment of polymeric systems
M Kamkar, R Salehiyan, TB Goudoulas, M Abbasi, C Saengow, ...
Progress in Polymer Science 132, 101580, 2022
Designing complex fluids
RH Ewoldt, C Saengow
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 54 (1), 413-441, 2022
Exact Solutions for Oscillatory Shear Sweep Behaviors of Complex Fluids From the Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin
Normal Stress Differences from Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework: Exact Analytical Solution for Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin
Polymers Research Group, Chemical Engineering Dept., Queen’s University …, 2017
Simple Scalar Model and Analysis for Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear
D Merger, M Abbasi, J Merger, AJ Giacomin, C Saengow, M Wilhelm
Applied Rheology 26 (5), 53809, 2016
Extruding Plastic Pipe from Eccentric Dies
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, C Kolitawong
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 223, 176-199, 2015
Reinforcing polypropylene with graphene-polylactic acid microcapsules for fused-filament fabrication
C Aumnate, P Potiyaraj, C Saengow, AJ Giacomin
Materials & Design 198, 109329, 2021
Startup steady shear flow from the Oldroyd 8-constant framework
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, N Grizzuti, R Pasquino
Physics of Fluids 31 (6), 2019
Exact coefficients for rigid dumbbell suspensions for steady shear flow material function expansions
JH Piette, LM Jbara, C Saengow, AJ Giacomin
Physics of Fluids 31 (2), 2019
Knuckle Formation from Melt Elasticity in Plastic Pipe Extrusion
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, C Kolitawong
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2017
Review of nonlinear oscillatory shear flow notations and presentations: polymeric liquids
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 43, 26-38, 2019
Reflections on Inflections
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, PH Gilbert, C Kolitawong
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 27 (4), 267-285, 2015
Padé Approximants for Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow
AJ Giacomin, M Guay, C Saengow, C Kolitawong
Rheologica Acta 54 (8), 679-693, 2015
Unidirectional large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow of human blood
C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, AS Dimitrov
Physics of Fluids 31 (11), 2019
Padé approximant for normal stress differences in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow
P Poungthong, C Saengow, AJ Giacomin, C Kolitawong, D Merger, ...
Physics of Fluids 30 (4), 2018
Molecular continua for polymeric liquids in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow
AJ Giacomin, C Saengow
Modern Physics Letters B 32 (12n13), 1840036, 2018
Polymer Process Partitioning: Extruding Plastic Pipe
C Saengow
Queen's University at Kingston, 2016
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Articles 1–20