Luis Gómez-Chova
Luis Gómez-Chova
Full Professor, Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), Universitat de Valencia
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Cited by
Composite kernels for hyperspectral image classification
G Camps-Valls, L Gomez-Chova, J Muñoz-Marí, J Vila-Francés, ...
IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters 3 (1), 93-97, 2006
Kernel methods for remote sensing data analysis
G Camps-Valls, L Bruzzone
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
Multimodal classification of remote sensing images: A review and future directions
L Gómez-Chova, D Tuia, G Moser, G Camps-Valls
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (9), 1560-1584, 2015
Kernel-based framework for multitemporal and multisource remote sensing data classification and change detection
G Camps-Valls, L Gómez-Chova, J Muñoz-Marí, JL Rojo-Álvarez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (6), 1822-1835, 2008
Robust support vector method for hyperspectral data classification and knowledge discovery
G Camps-Valls, L Gómez-Chova, J Calpe-Maravilla, JD Martín-Guerrero, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote sensing 42 (7), 1530-1542, 2004
Semisupervised one-class support vector machines for classification of remote sensing data
J Mũnoz-Marí, F Bovolo, L Gómez-Chova, L Bruzzone, G Camp-Valls
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 48 (8), 3188-3197, 2010
Semisupervised image classification with Laplacian support vector machines
L Gómez-Chova, G Camps-Valls, J Munoz-Mari, J Calpe
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 5 (3), 336-340, 2008
Remote sensing image processing
G Camps-Valls, D Tuia, L Gómez-Chova, S Jiménez, J Malo
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2011
Improved Fraunhofer Line Discrimination method for vegetation fluorescence quantification
L Alonso, L Gomez-Chova, J Vila-Frances, J Amoros-Lopez, L Guanter, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 5 (4), 620-624, 2008
Hyperspectral system for early detection of rottenness caused by Penicillium digitatum in mandarins
J Gómez-Sanchís, L Gómez-Chova, N Aleixos, G Camps-Valls, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 89 (1), 80-86, 2008
Multitemporal fusion of Landsat/TM and ENVISAT/MERIS for crop monitoring
J Amorós-López, L Gómez-Chova, L Alonso, L Guanter, R Zurita-Milla, ...
International journal of Applied earth observation and Geoinformation 23 …, 2013
Cloud-screening algorithm for ENVISAT/MERIS multispectral images
L Gómez-Chova, G Camps-Valls, J Calpe-Maravilla, L Guanter, J Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (12), 4105-4118, 2007
Estimation of solar‐induced vegetation fluorescence from space measurements
L Guanter, L Alonso, L Gómez‐Chova, J Amorós‐López, J Vila, J Moreno
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (8), 2007
Estimating and understanding crop yields with explainable deep learning in the Indian Wheat Belt
A Wolanin, G Mateo-García, G Camps-Valls, L Gómez-Chova, M Meroni, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (2), 024019, 2020
Cloud Mask Intercomparison eXercise (CMIX): An evaluation of cloud masking algorithms for Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
S Skakun, J Wevers, C Brockmann, G Doxani, M Aleksandrov, M Batič, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 274, 112990, 2022
Estimating crop primary productivity with Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 using machine learning methods trained with radiative transfer simulations
A Wolanin, G Camps-Valls, L Gómez-Chova, G Mateo-García, ...
Remote sensing of environment 225, 441-457, 2019
Automatic correction of the effects of the light source on spherical objects. An application to the analysis of hyperspectral images of citrus fruits
J Gómez-Sanchís, E Moltó, G Camps-Valls, L Gómez-Chova, N Aleixos, ...
Journal of food engineering 85 (2), 191-200, 2008
Multitemporal cloud masking in the Google Earth Engine
G Mateo-García, L Gómez-Chova, J Amorós-López, J Muñoz-Marí, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (7), 1079, 2018
Mean map kernel methods for semisupervised cloud classification
L Gómez-Chova, G Camps-Valls, L Bruzzone, J Calpe-Maravilla
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (1), 207-220, 2009
Developments for vegetation fluorescence retrieval from spaceborne high‐resolution spectrometry in the O2‐A and O2‐B absorption bands
L Guanter, L Alonso, L Gómez‐Chova, M Meroni, R Preusker, J Fischer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D19), 2010
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Articles 1–20