Hannu Turtiainen
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Cited by
Cybersecurity attacks on software logic and error handling within AIS implementations: A systematic testing of resilience
S Khandker, H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen
IEEE Access 10, 29493-29505, 2022
Cybersecurity attacks on software logic and error handling within ADS-B implementations: Systematic testing of resilience and countermeasures
S Khandker, H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (4), 2702-2719, 2021
Towards large-scale, automated, accurate detection of CCTV camera objects using computer vision. Applications and implications for privacy, safety, and cybersecurity.(Preprint)
H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Lahtinen, L Sintonen, T Hamalainen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.03870, 2020
On Apache Log4j2 exploitation in aeronautical, maritime, and aerospace communication
A Juvonen, A Costin, H Turtiainen, T Hämäläinen
IEEE Access 10, 86542-86557, 2022
On the (in) security of 1090ES and UAT978 mobile cockpit information systems–an attacker perspective on the availability of ADS-B safety-and mission-critical systems
S Khandker, H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen
IEEE Access 10, 37718-37730, 2022
Cybersecurity of COSPAS-SARSAT and EPIRB: threat and attacker models, exploits, future research
A Costin, S Khandker, H Turtiainen, T Hämäläinen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08361, 2023
HALE-IoT: Hardening Legacy Internet of Things Devices by Retrofitting Defensive Firmware Modifications and Implants
J Carrillo-Mondéjar, H Turtiainen, A Costin, JL Martínez, G Suarez-Tangil
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (10), 8371-8394, 2022
BRIMA: low-overhead BRowser-only IMage Annotation tool (Preprint)
T Lahtinen, H Turtiainen, A Costin
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2633-2637, 2021
Towards a unified cybersecurity testing lab for satellite, aerospace, avionics, maritime, drone (SAAMD) technologies and communications
A Costin, H Turtiainen, S Khandker, T Hämäläinen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08359, 2023
Towards CCTV-aware routing and navigation for privacy, anonymity, and safety-feasibility study in Jyväskylä
T Lahtinen, L Sintonen, H Turtiainen, A Costin
2021 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 252-263, 2021
Gdl90fuzz: Fuzzing-gdl-90 data interface specification within aviation software and avionics devices–a cybersecurity pentesting perspective
H Turtiainen, A Costin, S Khandker, T Hämäläinen
IEEE Access 10, 21554-21562, 2022
OSRM-CCTV: Open-source CCTV-aware routing and navigation system for privacy, anonymity and safety (Preprint)
L Sintonen, H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hamalainen, T Lahtinen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09369, 2021
CCTV-Exposure: System for measuring user’s privacy exposure to CCTV cameras
H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 289-298, 2022
Feasibility Study on CCTV-aware Routing and Navigation for Privacy, Anonymity, and Safety. Jyvaskyla--Case-study of the First City to Benefit from CCTV-aware Technology.(Preprint)
T Lahtinen, L Sintonen, H Turtiainen, A Costin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08598, 2020
Defensive machine learning methods and the cyber defence chain
H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Theory and Applications, 147-163, 2022
OSRM-CCTV: CCTV-aware routing and navigation system for privacy and safety
L Sintonen, H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen, T Lahtinen
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 279-288, 2022
CCTV-FullyAware: toward end-to-end feasible privacy-enhancing and CCTV forensics applications
H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen, T Lahtinen, L Sintonen
2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2022
CCTVCV: Computer Vision model/dataset supporting CCTV forensics and privacy applications
H Turtiainen, A Costin, T Hämäläinen, T Lahtinen, L Sintonen
2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2022
Offensive Machine Learning Methods and the Cyber Kill Chain
H Turtiainen, A Costin, A Polyakov, T Hämäläinen
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Theory and Applications, 125-145, 2022
State-of-the-art object detection model for detecting CCTV and video surveillance cameras from images and videos
HT Turtiainen
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Articles 1–20