Robert B. Lull
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Cited by
Do Sex and Violence Sell? A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of Sexual and Violent Media and Ad Content on Memory, Attitudes, and Buying Intentions.
RB Lull, BJ Bushman
Psychological Bulletin, 2015
Processing the papal encyclical through perceptual filters: Pope Francis, identity-protective cognition, and climate change concern
AR Landrum, RB Lull, H Akin, A Hasell, KH Jamieson
Cognition 166, 1-12, 2017
Immersed in Violence: Presence Mediates the Effect of 3D Violent Video Gameplay on Angry Feelings
RB Lull, BJ Bushman
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2015
Does Television Cultivate Narcissism? Relationships Between Television Exposure, Preferences for Specific Genres, and Subclinical Narcissism
RB Lull, TM Dickinson
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2016
Killing characters in video games kills memory for in-game ads.
RB Lull, B Gibson, C Cruz, BJ Bushman
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 7 (1), 87, 2018
Parental desensitization to gun violence in PG-13 movies
D Romer, PE Jamieson, KH Jamieson, R Lull, A Adebimpe
Pediatrics 141 (6), 2018
Understanding and overcoming fear of the unnatural in discussion of GMOs
RB Lull, DA Scheufele
The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication, 409-419, 2017
Open and transparent research practices and public perceptions of the trustworthiness of agricultural biotechnology organizations
AR Landrum, J Hilgard, RB Lull, H Akin, KH Jamieson
Modeling risk perceptions, benefit perceptions, and approval of releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes as a response to Zika virus
RB Lull, H Akin, WK Hallman, D Brossard, KH Jamieson
Environmental Communication 14 (7), 933-953, 2019
Violent and sexual media impair second-language memory during encoding and retrieval
RB Lull, Y Çetin, BJ Bushman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 172-178, 2015
Stop preaching to the converted
AR Landrum, RB Lull
Nature Climate Change 7 (8), 538-540, 2017
Making it about morals: Pope Francis shifts the climate change debate
A Landrum, R Lull, H Akin, KH Jamieson
Available at SSRN 2997490, 2016
Immersed in violence: Presence mediates the effect of 3D violent video gameplay on angry feelings. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5 (2), 133–144
RB Lull, BJ Bushman
Exposure to violent and sexual media content undermines school performance in youth
Cetin, Y., Lull, R. B., Celikbas, M., & Bushman, B. J
Advances in Pediatric Research, 2015
A Recap: The Role, Power, and Peril of Media for the Communication of Science
N Li, RB Lull
The Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication, 333, 2017
Do Sex and Violence Sell? The Effects of Violent Advertisements, Sexual Programs, and Program/Advertisement Congruity on Brand Memory, Brand Attitudes, and Product Selection
RB Lull
The Ohio State University, 2015
No longer news that’s fit to print? Climate change goes missing from national park newspapers
RB Lull, W Wise
Parks Stewardship Forum 40 (1), 300-319, 2024
Probability Distributions
RB Lull
The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, 1-8, 2017
A mediated uncertainty management model: Uncertainty as motivating specific uses and gratifications of media
RB Lull
63rd annual conference of the International Communication Association …, 2013
Disclosure of Open and Transparent Research Practices, Public Trust, and GMOs
AR Landrum, J Hilgard, RB Lull, H Akin, KH Jamieson, APP Center
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Articles 1–20