Nicola Corradi
Nicola Corradi
Research Scientist at DataVisor
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Visual spatial attention and speech segmentation are both impaired in preschoolers at familial risk for developmental dyslexia
A Facoetti, N Corradi, M Ruffino, S Gori, M Zorzi
Dyslexia 16 (3), 226-239, 2010
Eco-feedback on the go: Motivating energy awareness
A Spagnolli, N Corradi, L Gamberini, E Hoggan, G Jacucci, C Katzeff, ...
Computer 44 (5), 38-45, 2011
Zipf’s law arises naturally when there are underlying, unobserved variables
L Aitchison, N Corradi, PE Latham
PLoS computational biology 12 (12), e1005110, 2016
Tailoring feedback to users’ actions in a persuasive game for household electricity conservation
L Gamberini, A Spagnolli, N Corradi, G Jacucci, G Tusa, T Mikkola, ...
Persuasive Technology. Design for Health and Safety: 7th International …, 2012
Saving is fun: designing a persuasive game for power conservation
L Gamberini, N Corradi, L Zamboni, M Perotti, C Cadenazzi, S Mandressi, ...
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on advances in computer …, 2011
Visual attentional engagement deficits in children with specific language impairment and their role in real-time language processing
M Dispaldro, LB Leonard, N Corradi, M Ruffino, T Bronte, A Facoetti
Cortex 49 (8), 2126-2139, 2013
Passengers’ activities during short trips on the London Underground
L Gamberini, A Spagnolli, A Miotto, E Ferrari, N Corradi, S Furlan
Transportation 40, 251-268, 2013
Oops, I forgot the light on! The cognitive mechanisms supporting the execution of energy saving behaviors
N Corradi, K Priftis, G Jacucci, L Gamberini
Journal of Economic Psychology 34, 88-96, 2013
Combining implicit and explicit techniques to reveal social desirability bias in electricity conservation self-reports
L Gamberini, A Spagnolli, N Corradi, G Sartori, V Ghirardi, G Jacucci
Energy Efficiency 7, 923-935, 2014
The effect of spatio-temporal distance between visual stimuli on information processing in children with Specific Language Impairment
M Dispaldro, N Corradi
Research in developmental disabilities 45, 284-299, 2015
Atypical local perception precedence in preschooler poor readers
S Franceschini, N Corradi, M Ruffino, S Gori, T Gianesini, A Facoetti
Perception 39, 79-79, 2010
On the relationship between spatial and non-spatial attention
N Corradi, M Ruffino, S Gori, A Facoetti
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 275-275, 2010
Visual attention and phonologicalpProcessing are both impaired in preschool children at risk of dyslexia
N Corradi, E Ciciriello, M Ruffino, A Trussardi, M Zorzi, A Facoetti
Perception 38, 104-104, 2009
Visual spatial attention and developmental reading disorder: A longitudinal study
N Corradi, M Ruffino, S Gori, S Franceschini, A Facoetti
PERCEPTION 39, 83-83, 2010
Technologies to improve energy conservation in households: The users’ perspective
G Luciano, J Giulio, S Anna, B Christoffer, K Daniel, C Alessandro, Z Luca, ...
Maastricht, October, 18-20, 2009
M Marchetti, F Piccione, S Silvoni, L Gamberini, K Priftis, N Corradi, ...
Psychology 34, 88-96, 0
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Articles 1–16