Eric Deemer
Eric Deemer
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Feeling the threat: Stereotype threat as a contextual barrier to women’s science career choice intentions
ED Deemer, DB Thoman, JP Chase, JL Smith
Journal of Career Development 41 (2), 141-158, 2014
Facebook and romantic relationships: Intimacy and couple satisfaction associated with online social network use
MM Hand, D Thomas, WC Buboltz, ED Deemer, M Buyanjargal
Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 16 (1), 8-13, 2013
Losing its expected communal value: How stereotype threat undermines women’s identity as research scientists
JL Smith, ER Brown, DB Thoman, ED Deemer
Social Psychology of Education 18, 443-466, 2015
The development and validation of the university belonging questionnaire
CD Slaten, ZM Elison, ED Deemer, HA Hughes, DA Shemwell
The Journal of Experimental Education 86 (4), 633-651, 2018
Content analysis of the Journal of Counseling Psychology: Buboltz, Miller, and Williams (1999) 11 years later.
W Buboltz Jr, E Deemer, R Hoffmann
Journal of Counseling Psychology 57 (3), 368, 2010
Identity, campus climate, and burnout among undergraduate women in STEM fields
LE Jensen, ED Deemer
The career development quarterly 67 (2), 96-109, 2019
Toward a tripartite model of research motivation: Development and initial validation of the Research Motivation Scale
ED Deemer, MP Martens, WC Buboltz
Journal of career assessment 18 (3), 292-309, 2010
Academic procrastination in STEM: Interactive effects of stereotype threat and achievement goals
ED Deemer, JL Smith, AN Carroll, JP Carpenter
The Career Development Quarterly 62 (2), 143-155, 2014
Motivation under the microscope: Understanding undergraduate science students’ multiple motivations for research
JL Smith, ED Deemer, DB Thoman, L Zazworsky
Motivation and emotion 38, 496-512, 2014
Stereotype threat and women’s science motivation: Examining the disidentification effect
ED Deemer, C Lin, C Soto
Journal of Career Assessment 24 (4), 637-650, 2016
Counseling psychology students' interest in research: Examining the contribution of achievement goals.
ED Deemer, MP Martens, EJ Podchaski
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 1 (3), 193, 2007
Analyzing predictors of children’s formative engineering identity development
BM Capobianco, ED Deemer, C Lin
International Journal of Engineering Education 33 (1), 44-54, 2017
Research motives of faculty in academic STEM: Measurement invariance of the research motivation scale
ED Deemer, KT Mahoney, JH Ball
Journal of Career Assessment 20 (2), 182-195, 2012
Measuring students' perceptions of faculty competence in professional psychology: Development of the Perceived Faculty Competence Inventory.
ED Deemer, D Thomas, CL Hill
Training and Education in professional psychology 5 (1), 38, 2011
The relationship between perceived discrimination and school/work–family conflict among graduate student-parents
JM Dolson, ED Deemer
Journal of Career Development 49 (1), 174-187, 2022
Achievement goals as predictors of research self-efficacy
ED Deemer
Individual Differences Research 8 (4), 229-238, 2010
Moderators of involuntary part-time work and life satisfaction: A latent deprivation approach.
BA Allan, T Kim, TY Liu, ED Deemer
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 51 (3), 257, 2020
Stereotype threat and career goals among women in STEM: Mediating and moderating roles of perfectionism
C Lin, ED Deemer
Journal of Career Development 48 (5), 569-583, 2021
Do mastery approach goals and research outcome expectations mediate the relationship between the research training environment and research interest? Test of a social cognitive …
ED Deemer, MP Martens, RF Haase, LRM Jome
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 3 (4), 250, 2009
Attachment style and self-handicapping: The mediating role of the imposter phenomenon
LE Jensen, ED Deemer
Social Psychology of Education 23 (5), 1259-1276, 2020
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Articles 1–20