Vanik Shahnazaryan
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Cited by
Exciton-exciton interaction in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers
V Shahnazaryan, I Iorsh, IA Shelykh, O Kyriienko
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115409, 2017
Highly nonlinear trion-polaritons in a monolayer semiconductor
RPA Emmanuele, M Sich, O Kyriienko, V Shahnazaryan, F Withers, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3589, 2020
Resonance fluorescence from an asymmetric quantum dot dressed by a bichromatic electromagnetic field
GY Kryuchkyan, V Shahnazaryan, OV Kibis, IA Shelykh
Physical Review A 95 (1), 013834, 2017
Non-Hermitian topological end-mode lasing in polariton systems
P Comaron, V Shahnazaryan, W Brzezicki, T Hyart, M Matuszewski
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 022051, 2020
Terahertz lasing in ensemble of asymmetric quantum dots
IY Chestnov, VA Shahnazaryan, AP Alodjants, IA Shelykh
Acs Photonics 4 (11), 2726-2737, 2017
New relations for the derivative of the confluent Heun function
VA Shahnazaryan, TA Ishkhanyan, TA Shahverdyan, AM Ishkhanyan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.1318, 2014
Strong light–matter coupling in carbon nanotubes as a route to exciton brightening
VA Shahnazaryan, VA Saroka, IA Shelykh, WL Barnes, ME Portnoi
ACS Photonics 6 (4), 904-914, 2019
Tunable optical nonlinearity for transition metal dichalcogenide polaritons dressed by a Fermi sea
V Shahnazaryan, VK Kozin, IA Shelykh, IV Iorsh, O Kyriienko
Physical Review B 102 (11), 115310, 2020
Quasi-conical quantum dot: electron states and quantum transitions
MK Eduard, SP Lyudvig, AS Vanik, AS Hayk
Communications in Theoretical Physics 63 (2), 255, 2015
Exciton routing in the heterostructure of a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer on a paraelectric substrate
V Shahnazaryan, O Kyriienko, H Rostami
Physical Review B 100 (16), 165303, 2019
Polaron-enhanced polariton nonlinearity in lead halide perovskites
MA Masharin, VA Shahnazaryan, FA Benimetskiy, DN Krizhanovskii, ...
Nano Letters 22 (22), 9092-9099, 2022
Attractive Coulomb interaction of two-dimensional Rydberg excitons
V Shahnazaryan, IA Shelykh, O Kyriienko
Physical Review B 93 (24), 245302, 2016
Room-Temperature Polaron-Mediated Polariton Nonlinearity in MAPbBr3 Perovskites
MA Masharin, VA Shahnazaryan, IV Iorsh, SV Makarov, AK Samusev, ...
ACS Photonics 10 (3), 691-698, 2023
Adiabatic preparation of a cold exciton condensate
V Shahnazaryan, O Kyriienko, IA Shelykh
Physical Review B 91 (8), 085302, 2015
Optical interband absorption and Stark shift in a quantum ring on a sphere
EM Kazaryan, VA Shahnazaryan, HA Sarkisyan
Optics Communications 315, 253-257, 2014
Nonlinear exciton drift in piezoelectric two-dimensional materials
V Shahnazaryan, H Rostami
Physical Review B 104 (8), 085405, 2021
Ensemble of asymmetric quantum dots in a cavity as a terahertz laser source
IY Chestnov, VA Shakhnazaryan, IA Shelykh, AP Alodjants
JETP letters 104, 169-174, 2016
Two electron states in a quantum ring on a sphere
EM Kazaryan, VA Shahnazaryan, HA Sarkisyan
Few-Body Systems 55, 151-158, 2014
Quantum ring on sphere: Electron states on spherical segment
EM Kazaryan, VA Shahnazaryan, HA Sarkisyan
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 52, 122-126, 2013
Polariton lasing in Mie-resonant perovskite nanocavity
MA Masharin, D Khmelevskaia, VI Kondratiev, DI Markina, AD Utyushev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12973, 2023
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Articles 1–20