Christoph A. Weber
Christoph A. Weber
Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, Germany
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Liquid-liquid phase separation in biology
AA Hyman, CA Weber, F Jülicher
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 30 (1), 39-58, 2014
Polar patterns of driven filaments
V Schaller, C Weber, C Semmrich, E Frey, AR Bausch
Nature 467 (7311), 73-77, 2010
Growth and division of active droplets provides a model for protocells
D Zwicker, R Seyboldt, CA Weber, AA Hyman, F Jülicher
Nature Physics 13 (4), 408-413, 2017
Polar positioning of phase-separated liquid compartments in cells regulated by an mRNA competition mechanism
S Saha, CA Weber, M Nousch, O Adame-Arana, C Hoege, MY Hein, ...
Cell 166 (6), 1572-1584. e16, 2016
Physics of active emulsions
CA Weber, D Zwicker, F Jülicher, CF Lee
Reports on Progress in Physics 82 (6), 064601, 2019
Long-range ordering of vibrated polar disks
CA Weber, T Hanke, J Deseigne, S Léonard, O Dauchot, E Frey, H Chaté
Physical review letters 110 (20), 208001, 2013
Binary mixtures of particles with different diffusivities demix
SN Weber, CA Weber, E Frey
Physical review letters 116 (5), 058301, 2016
Frozen steady states in active systems
V Schaller, CA Weber, B Hammerich, E Frey, AR Bausch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (48), 19183-19188, 2011
Local thermodynamics govern formation and dissolution of Caenorhabditis elegans P granule condensates
AW Fritsch, AF Diaz-Delgadillo, O Adame-Arana, C Hoege, M Mittasch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37), e2102772118, 2021
Chemotactic cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields
B Meier, A Zielinski, C Weber, D Arcizet, S Youssef, T Franosch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (28), 11417-11422, 2011
Polar pattern formation in driven filament systems requires non-binary particle collisions
R Suzuki, CA Weber, E Frey, AR Bausch
Nature physics 11 (10), 839-843, 2015
Polar pattern formation: hydrodynamic coupling of driven filaments
V Schaller, C Weber, E Frey, AR Bausch
Soft Matter 7 (7), 3213-3218, 2011
Endocytosis of coacervates into liposomes
T Lu, S Liese, L Schoenmakers, CA Weber, H Suzuki, WTS Huck, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (30), 13451-13455, 2022
Liquid phase separation controlled by pH
O Adame-Arana, CA Weber, V Zaburdaev, J Prost, F Jülicher
Biophysical Journal 119 (8), 1590-1605, 2020
Random bursts determine dynamics of active filaments
CA Weber, R Suzuki, V Schaller, IS Aranson, AR Bausch, E Frey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (34), 10703-10707, 2015
Understanding collective dynamics of soft active colloids by binary scattering
T Hanke, CA Weber, E Frey
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (5 …, 2013
Defect-mediated phase transitions in active soft matter
CA Weber, C Bock, E Frey
Physical review letters 112 (16), 168301, 2014
Chemical kinetics and mass action in coexisting phases
J Bauermann, S Laha, PM McCall, F Jülicher, CA Weber
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (42), 19294-19304, 2022
Quantitative theory for the diffusive dynamics of liquid condensates
L Hubatsch, LM Jawerth, C Love, J Bauermann, TYD Tang, S Bo, ...
Elife 10, e68620, 2021
Liquid spherical shells are a non-equilibrium steady state of active droplets
AM Bergmann, J Bauermann, G Bartolucci, C Donau, M Stasi, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6552, 2023
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Articles 1–20