Li-Sian Tey
Li-Sian Tey
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang
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Cited by
Measuring driver responses at railway level crossings
LS Tey, L Ferreira, A Wallace
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (6), 2134-2141, 2011
Modelling driver behaviour towards innovative warning devices at railway level crossings
LS Tey, G Wallis, S Cloete, L Ferreira
Accident Analysis & Prevention 51, 104-111, 2013
Evaluating driver behavior toward innovative warning devices at railway level crossings using a driving simulator
LS Tey, G Wallis, S Cloete, L Ferreira, S Zhu
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 5 (2), 118-130, 2013
Bus arrival time modeling based on auckland data
P Ranjitkar, LS Tey, E Chakravorty, KL Hurley
Transportation Research Record 2673 (6), 1-9, 2019
Microsimulation modelling of driver behaviour towards alternative warning devices at railway level crossings
LS Tey, S Zhu, L Ferreira, G Wallis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 177-182, 2014
Evaluating safety at railway level crossings with microsimulation modeling
LS Tey, I Kim, L Ferreira
Transportation research record 2298 (1), 70-77, 2012
Evaluating cost-effective railway level crossing protection systems
LS Tey, L Ferreira, H Dia
32nd Australasian transport research forum, 2009
Driver compliance at railway level crossings
LS Tey, L Ferreira
33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2010
Integration of driving simulator and traffic simulation to analyse behaviour at railway crossings
I Kim, L Ferreira, LS Tey, G Wallis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2013
Using a driving simulator to assess driver compliance at railway level crossings
LS Tey, G Wallis, L Ferreira, AT Hojati
Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 28-30, 2011
Comparison of operational performance before and after improvement: Case study at Pengkalan Weld, Pulau Pinang
NI Zainuddin, SMR Shah, MZ Hashim, MS Roslam, LS Tey
AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 (1), 2018
Reduction of optimum bitumen content in polyethylene modified bituminous mixes
SMR Shah, NI Zainuddin, YH Min, NAI Nasaruddin, TL Sian
Am. J. Civ. Eng 6 (3), 93-98, 2018
Strength properties of polyethylene in bituminous mixtures for flexible pavement
SMR Shah, NI Zainuddin, N Tutur, S Ismail, TL Sian, NAI Nasaruddin
AIP Conference Proceedings 2031 (1), 2018
Evaluating driver behaviour towards railway level crossing warning devices using simulation
LS Tey
Evaluating safety at railway level crossings using micro-simulation modelling
LS Tey, I Kim, L Ferreira
Transportation Research Board, 2012
Evaluating cost-effective rail-road level crossing protection systems.
LS Tey, L Ferreira, H Dia
32nd Australasian Transport Research Forum, ATRF 2009, x-x, 2009
Development of eFYP to enhance quality management system for final year project assessment in engineering programme
S Alias, LS Tey, MRM Nor
AIP Conference Proceedings 2532 (1), 2022
Driver Behaviour and Compliance at Signalised Intersection
LS Tey, MKA Khalil, FA Azizan
Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2014 …, 2016
Genetic algorithm based microscale vehicle emissions modelling
S Zhu, LS Tey, L Ferreira
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 178490, 2015
An overview of lane changing model at signalised intersection
J Md Diah, ST Li, F Roslee
Social and Management Research Journal (SMRJ) 13 (2), 39-46, 2016
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