Jesse B. Hoagg
Jesse B. Hoagg
Donald & Gertrude Lester Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky
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Nonminimum-phase zeros-much to do about nothing-classical control-revisited part II
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 27 (3), 45-57, 2007
Optimal design of MR dampers
H Gavin, J Hoagg, M Dobossy
Proceedings of the US-Japan workshop on smart structures for improved …, 2001
Discrete-time adaptive command following and disturbance rejection with unknown exogenous dynamics
JB Hoagg, MA Santillo, DS Bernstein
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (4), 912-928, 2008
Retrospective cost model reference adaptive control for nonminimum-phase systems
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 35 (6), 1767-1786, 2012
Subspace-based identification for linear and nonlinear systems
HJ Palanthandalam-Madapusi, S Lacy, JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 2320-2334, 2005
A data-driven adaptive Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes kω model for turbulent flow
Z Li, H Zhang, SCC Bailey, JB Hoagg, A Martin
Journal of Computational Physics 345, 111-131, 2017
First-order-hold sampling of positive real systems and subspace identification of positive real models
JB Hoagg, SL Lacy, RS Erwin, DS Bernstein
Proceedings of the 2004 American control conference 1, 861-866, 2004
Direct adaptive command following and disturbance rejection for minimum phase systems with unknown relative degree
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 21 (1), 49-75, 2007
Internal model control in the shift and delta domains
JB Hoagg, MA Santillo, DS Bernstein
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (4), 1066-1072, 2008
Direct adaptive dynamic compensation for minimum phase systems with unknown relative degree
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (4), 610-621, 2007
On the zeros, initial undershoot, and relative degree of collinear lumped-parameter structures
JB Hoagg, J Chandrasekar, DS Bernstein
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control 129 (4), 493-502, 2007
Formation control with time-varying formations, bounded controls, and local collision avoidance
ZS Lippay, JB Hoagg
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (1), 261-276, 2021
The roles of feedback and feedforward as humans learn to control unknown dynamic systems
X Zhang, S Wang, JB Hoagg, TM Seigler
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 48 (2), 543-555, 2017
Retrospective cost adaptive control for nonminimum-phase discrete-time systems, part 1: The ideal controller and error system
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 893-898, 2010
A tutorial and overview of retrospective cost adaptive control
Y Rahman, A Xie, JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3386-3409, 2016
Retrospective cost model reference adaptive control for nonminimum-phase discrete-time systems, Part 2: Stability analysis
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 2927-2932, 2011
Adaptive harmonic control for rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting on an unknown system
M Kamaldar, JB Hoagg
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (2), 277-290, 2018
Filtered-dynamic-inversion control for unknown minimum-phase systems with unknown-and-unmeasured disturbances
JB Hoagg, TM Seigler
International Journal of Control 86 (3), 449-468, 2013
Adaptive harmonic steady‐state control for rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting on a completely unknown system
M Kamaldar, JB Hoagg
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 31 (9), 1308 …, 2017
Cumulative retrospective cost adaptive control with RLS-based optimization
JB Hoagg, DS Bernstein
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 4016-4021, 2010
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Articles 1–20