Anthony Sherbondy
Anthony Sherbondy
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Cognitive computing
DS Modha, R Ananthanarayanan, SK Esser, A Ndirango, AJ Sherbondy, ...
Communications of the ACM 54 (8), 62-71, 2011
Anatomical properties of the arcuate fasciculus predict phonological and reading skills in children
JD Yeatman, RF Dougherty, E Rykhlevskaia, AJ Sherbondy, GK Deutsch, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (11), 3304-3317, 2011
Pulmonary nodules on multi–detector row CT scans: performance comparison of radiologists and computer-aided detection
GD Rubin, JK Lyo, DS Paik, AJ Sherbondy, LC Chow, AN Leung, ...
Radiology 234 (1), 274-283, 2005
Identifying the human optic radiation using diffusion imaging and fiber tractography
AJ Sherbondy, RF Dougherty, S Napel, BA Wandell
Journal of vision 8 (10), 12-12, 2008
Fast volume segmentation with simultaneous visualization using programmable graphics hardware
A Sherbondy, M Houston, S Napel
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 171-176, 2003
Exploring connectivity of the brain's white matter with dynamic queries
A Sherbondy, D Akers, R Mackenzie, R Dougherty, B Wandell
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 11 (4), 419-430, 2005
ConTrack: finding the most likely pathways between brain regions using diffusion tractography
AJ Sherbondy, RF Dougherty, M Ben-Shachar, S Napel, BA Wandell
Journal of vision 8 (9), 15-15, 2008
Computer-based system for the virtual-endoscopic guidance of bronchoscopy
JP Helferty, AJ Sherbondy, AP Kiraly, WE Higgins
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108 (1-2), 171-187, 2007
MicroTrack: an algorithm for concurrent projectome and microstructure estimation
AJ Sherbondy, MC Rowe, DC Alexander
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2010: 13th …, 2010
Automatic axis generation for virtual bronchoscopic assessment of major airway obstructions
RD Swift, AP Kiraly, AJ Sherbondy, AL Austin, EA Hoffman, G McLennan, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2), 103-118, 2002
800exploration of the brain's white matter pathways with dynamic queries
D Akers, A Sherbondy, R Mackenzie, R Dougherty, B Wandell
IEEE Visualization 2004, 377-384, 2004
Think global, act local; projectome estimation with BlueMatter
AJ Sherbondy, RF Dougherty, R Ananthanarayanan, DS Modha, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: 12th …, 2009
Virtual bronchoscopic approach for combining 3D CT and endoscopic video
AJ Sherbondy, AP Kiraly, AL Austin, JP Helferty, SY Wan, JZ Turlington, ...
Medical Imaging 2000: Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images …, 2000
CT Colonography: Influence of 3D Viewing and Polyp Candidate Features on Interpretation with Computer-aided Detection1
R Shi, P Schraedley-Desmond, S Napel, EW Olcott, RB Jeffrey Jr, J Yee, ...
Radiology 239 (3), 768-776, 2006
Alternative input devices for efficient navigation of large CT angiography data sets
AJ Sherbondy, D Holmlund, GD Rubin, PK Schraedley, T Winograd, ...
Radiology 234 (2), 391-398, 2005
System for Live Virtual-Endoscopic Guidance of Bronchoscopy.
JP Helferty, AJ Sherbondy, AP Kiraly, WE Higgins
CVPR Workshops, 68, 2005
Image-guided endoscopy for lung-cancer assessment
JP Helferty, AJ Sherbondy, AP Kiraly, JZ Turlington, EA Hoffman, ...
Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2001
Experiments in virtual-endoscopic guidance of bronchoscopy
JP Helferty, AJ Sherbondy, AP Kiraly, JZ Turlington, EA Hoffman, ...
Medical Imaging 2001: Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images …, 2001
Characterization of skeletal muscle fascicle arrangements using diffusion tensor tractography
SS Blemker, AJ Sherbondy, DL Akers, R Bammer, SL Delp, GE Gold
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2005
EPI distortion correction for MR-DTI by using texture memory on graphics hardware
Y Masutani
CARS, 2003
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Articles 1–20