Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen
Fulbright University Vietnam
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Cited by
Effectiveness assessment of Keras based deep learning with different robust optimization algorithms for shallow landslide susceptibility mapping at tropical area
VH Nhu, ND Hoang, H Nguyen, PTT Ngo, TT Bui, PV Hoa, P Samui, ...
Catena 188, 104458, 2020
Predicting ultimate bond strength of corroded reinforcement and surrounding concrete using a metaheuristic optimized least squares support vector regression model
ND Hoang, XL Tran, H Nguyen
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 7289-7309, 2020
Spatial prediction of shallow landslide using Bat algorithm optimized machine learning approach: A case study in Lang Son Province, Vietnam
DT Bui, ND Hoang, H Nguyen, XL Tran
Advanced Engineering Informatics 42, 100978, 2019
A novel whale optimization algorithm optimized XGBoost regression for estimating bearing capacity of concrete piles
H Nguyen, MT Cao, XL Tran, TH Tran, ND Hoang
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (5), 3825-3852, 2023
Computer vision-based classification of concrete spall severity using metaheuristic-optimized extreme gradient boosting machine and deep convolutional neural network
H Nguyen, ND Hoang
Automation in Construction 140, 104371, 2022
Prediction of long-term deflections of reinforced-concrete members using a novel swarm optimized extreme gradient boosting machine
H Nguyen, NM Nguyen, MT Cao, ND Hoang, XL Tran
Engineering with Computers 38 (Suppl 2), 1255-1267, 2022
A success history-based adaptive differential evolution optimized support vector regression for estimating plastic viscosity of fresh concrete
TD Nguyen, TH Tran, H Nguyen, H Nhat-Duc
Engineering with Computers 37 (2), 1485-1498, 2021
Physics-based balancing domain decomposition by constraints for multi-material problems
S Badia, AF Martín, H Nguyen
Journal of Scientific Computing 79 (2), 718-747, 2019
Optimized Schwarz and 2-Lagrange multiplier methods for multiscale elliptic PDEs
S Loisel, H Nguyen, R Scheichl
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (6), A2896-A2923, 2015
Chapter 1. introduction
TT Nguyen, R McLellan, NJ Donovan, DV Jeste
Loneliness: Science and Practice, 1-13, 2022
Flood detection and susceptibility mapping using Sentinel-1 Remote sensing data and a machine learning approach: hybrid intelligence of bagging ensemble based on K-nearest …
H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, K Ghaderi, E Omidvar, N Al-Ansari, JJ Clague, ...
Balancing domain decomposition by constraints and perturbation
S Badia, H Nguyen
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (6), 3436-3464, 2016
Domain Decomposition and hp-Adaptive Finite Elements
RE Bank*, H Nguyen
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XIX, 3-13, 2010
Remark on the shooting methods for nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems
NT Hieu
Journal of Science, Vietnam National University 3 (XIX), 2003
An optimal Schwarz preconditioner for a class of parallel adaptive finite elements
S Loisel, H Nguyen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 321, 90-107, 2017
Flood detection and susceptibility mapping using Sentinel-1 remote sensing data and a machine learning approach: hybrid intelligence of bagging ensemble based on K-nearest …
H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, K Ghaderi, E Omidvar, N Al-Ansari, JJ Clague, ...
hp Adaptive finite elements based on derivative recovery and superconvergence
RE Bank, H Nguyen
Computing and Visualization in Science 14 (6), 287-299, 2011
Relaxing the roles of corners in BDDC by perturbed formulation
S Badia, H Nguyen
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIII, 397-405, 2017
Mesh Regularization in Bank-Holst Parallel hp-Adaptive Meshing
RE Bank, H Nguyen
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX, 103-110, 2013
p-and fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element methods for elliptic Partial Differential Equations
H Nguyen
PhD thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2010
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Articles 1–20