Fiona McNeill
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Cited by
Supporting school teachers’ rapid engagement with online education
S Abaci, J Robertson, H Linklater, F McNeill
Educational Technology Research and Development 69, 29-34, 2021
Approximate structure-preserving semantic matching
F Giunchiglia, F McNeill, M Yatskevich, J Pane, P Besana, P Shvaiko
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008: OTM 2008 Confederated …, 2008
Dynamic, automatic, first-order ontology repair by diagnosis of failed plan execution
F McNeill, A Bundy
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 3 (3 …, 2007
Language and domain aware lightweight ontology matching
G Bella, F Giunchiglia, F McNeill
Journal of Web Semantics 43, 1-17, 2017
Evidence for teaching practices that broaden participation for women in computing
BB Morrison, BA Quinn, S Bradley, K Buffardi, B Harrington, HH Hu, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology …, 2021
Dynamic ontology refinement
F McNeill, A Bundy, M Schorlemmer
Proceedings of workshop on Plan Execution at ICAPS'03, 2003
Trust and matching algorithms for selecting suitable agents
N Osman, C Sierra, F Mcneill, J Pane, J Debenham
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 5 (1), 1-39, 2014
Representation as a fluent: An AI challenge for the next half century
A Bundy, F McNeill
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (3), 85-87, 2006
Models of interaction as a grounding for peer to peer knowledge sharing
D Robertson, A Barker, P Besana, A Bundy, YH Chen-Burger, D Dupplaw, ...
Advances in Web Semantics I: Ontologies, Web Services and Applied Semantic …, 2009
Structure preserving semantic matching
F Giunchiglia, M Yatskevich, F McNeill
University of Trento, 2007
A major wordnet for a minority language: Scottish gaelic
G Bella, F McNeill, R Gorman, CÓ Donnaíle, K MacDonald, ...
12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2812-2818, 2020
An Alternative Interpretation of the Seven-Pointed Star on CBS 1766
CAH Waerzeggers, RM Siebes
Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires 2007 (40), 2007
Web service composition via semantic matching of interaction specifications
F Giunchiglia, F McNeill, M Yatskevich
University of Trento, 2006
Approximate Semantic Tree Matching in OpenKnowledge
F Giunchiglia, F McNeill, M Yatskevich
University of Trento, 2006
The impact of COVID-19 on the CS student learning experience: How the pandemic has shaped the educational landscape
AA Siegel, M Zarb, E Anderson, B Crane, A Gao, C Latulipe, E Lovellette, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology …, 2022
Getting to know your card: reverse-engineering the smart-card application protocol data unit
A Gkaniatsou, F McNeill, A Bundy, G Steel, R Focardi, C Bozzato
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2015
Planning from rich ontologies through translation between representations
F McNeill, A Bundy, C Walton
Workshop on the Role of Ontologies in Planning and Scheduling, 13-21, 2005
Harnessing the power of folksonomies for formal ontology matching on-the-fly
T Togia, F McNeill, A Bundy
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ontology Matching-Volume …, 2010
Experiences of using wdumper to create topical subsets from wikidata
SAH Beghaeiraveri, AJG Gray, FJ McNeill
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2873, 13, 2021
Communication in emergency management through data integration and trust: an introduction to the CEM-DIT system
F McNeill, D Bental, P Missier, J Steyn, T Kumar, J Bryans
16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20