Catarina Marques
Catarina Marques
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Image, satisfaction, destination and product post-visit behaviours: How do they relate in emerging destinations?
C Marques, RV da Silva, S Antova
Tourism Management 85, 104293, 2021
The role of brand equity in a new rebranding strategy of a private label brand
C Marques, RV da Silva, NS Davcik, RT Faria
Journal of Business Research 117, 497-507, 2020
Profiling the segments of visitors to Portuguese protected areas
C Marques, E Reis, J Menezes
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 18 (8), 971-996, 2010
Exploring the linear and quadratic effects of customer and competitor orientation on export performance
JF Lengler, CMP Sousa, C Marques
International Marketing Review 30 (5), 440-468, 2013
Reading development in European Portuguese: relationships between oral reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension
S Fernandes, L Querido, A Verhaeghe, C Marques, L Araújo
Reading and Writing 30, 1987-2007, 2017
A multinational comparative study highlighting students' travel motivations and touristic trends
C Marques, A Mohsin, J Lengler
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 10, 87-100, 2018
Modelling preferences for nature-based recreation activities
C Marques, E Reis, J Menezes, MF Salgueiro
Leisure Studies 36 (1), 89-107, 2017
Organizational social capital Scale based on Nahapiet and Ghosal model: development and validation
AM Fandiño, C Marques, R Menezes, SR Bentes
Review of Contemporary Business Research, 2015
TO SHARE OR TO EXCHANGE: An analysis of the sharing economy characteristics of Airbnb and Fairbnb. coop
MA Petruzzi, C Marques, V Sheppard
International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, 102724, 2021
Positioning Airbnb and Fairbnb in the sharing-exchange continuum
MA Petruzzi, V Sheppard, C Marques
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (19), 3106-3109, 2022
How to deal with heterogeneity among tourism constructs?
C Marques, E Reis
Annals of Tourism Research 52, 172-174, 2015
Examining the relationship between market orientation and export performance: The moderating role of competitive intensity
JFB Lengler, CMP Sousa, C Marques
International marketing in rapidly changing environments 24, 75-102, 2014
Social impacts of peer-to-peer accommodation on host communities
M Petruzzi, C Marques, AC Campos
International Journal of Tourism Research, 2022
The ECSI model in higher education in tourism: A segmentation analysis in the Portuguese case
S Eurico, P Pinto, JA Silva, C Marques
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 66 (2), 208-226, 2018
Grocery consumer relational perceptions in green consumption context
MF Gonçalves, J Menezes, C Marques
Tourism & Management Studies 11 (1), 160-163, 2015
Lexical and sublexical orthographic knowledge: Relationships in an orthography of intermediate depth
L Querido, S Fernandes, A Verhaeghe, C Marques
Reading and Writing 33, 2459-2479, 2020
The structured interview of family assessment risk: Convergent validity, inter-rater reliability and structural relations
DJF dos Santos, IMM Alberto, CMVA Marques
Child and adolescent social work journal 33, 487-497, 2016
In light of the DSM-5 dimensional model of personality: Borderline personality disorder at the crossroads with the bipolar spectrum
J Henriques-Calado, B Gonçalves, C Marques, A Moreira, M Paulino, ...
Association between the insertion type of the uncinate process and the development of frontal sinus mucoceles - is there a relationship?
MS Barroso, BC Araújo, J Jacinto, C Marques, I Gama, E Barros
Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, 2021
Instagram: A Gimmick or a Serious Reputation Builder in the Airline Business?
JCC RV da Silva, C Marques, D Martinho, N Teixeira
Journal of Creative Communications 16 (3), 285-302, 2021
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Articles 1–20