Kerry Waddell
Kerry Waddell
McMaster Health Forum
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Cited by
Cited by
The impacts of accountable care organizations on patient experience, health outcomes and costs: a rapid review
M Wilson, A Guta, K Waddell, J Lavis, R Reid, C Evans
Journal of health services research & policy 25 (2), 130-138, 2020
Review of 128 quality of care mechanisms: A framework and mapping for health system stewards
JE Tello, E Barbazza, K Waddell
Health Policy 124 (1), 12-24, 2020
Rapid Synthesis-Creating Rapid-learning Health Systems in Canada
JN Lavis, FP Gauvin, CA Mattison, KA Moat, K Waddell, MG Wilson, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2018
Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada: insights from citizens and stakeholders
CA Mattison, MG Wilson, RH Wang, K Waddell
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 39 (1), 69-88, 2020
Knowledge synthesis: Identifying and assessing core components of collaborative-care models for treating mental and physical health conditions
HL Bullock, K Waddell, MG Wilson
Evidence brief: developing a national pain strategy for Canada
K Waddell, KA Moat, JN Lavis
Paper 3: Selecting rapid review methods for complex questions related to health policy and system issues
MG Wilson, S Oliver, GJ Melendez-Torres, JN Lavis, K Waddell, ...
Systematic reviews 10, 1-8, 2021
Rapid synthesis: Examining the impact of decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis for recreational use
K Waddell, MG Wilson
Evidence brief: Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada
CA Mattison, MG Wilson, RH Wang, K Waddell
Rapid synthesis: Supporting professional learning approaches to foster global competencies in K-12 education
CA Mattison, FP Gauvin, K Waddell
Optimizing patient and family transitions from cancer treatment to primary-and community-care supports in Canada
CA Mattison, KA Moat, K Waddell, JN Lavis
McMaster University, McMaster Health Forum, 2018
Citizen brief: Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada
CA Mattison, K Waddell, RH Wang, MG Wilson
Evidence brief: planning for the future health workforce of Ontario
KA Moat, K Waddell, JN Lavis
Rapid synthesis: Identifying indicators and rates of poverty among older adults
K Waddell, P Panchal, MG Wilson
Panel summary: Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada
CA Mattison, K Waddell, MG Wilson
Dialogue summary: Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada
K Waddell, MG Wilson, CA Mattison
Evidence Brief: Defining the Mental Health and Addictions' Basket of Core Services' to be Publicly Funded in Ontario
H Bullock, K Waddell, JN Lavis
Rapid synthesis: Lessons learned from integrated-care initiatives in Ontario to inform Ontario’s Health Teams
C Evans, A Dion, K Waddell, H Bullock, JN Lavis, J Grimshaw
Hamilton: McMaster Health Forum, 2020
Dialogue summary: Developing a national pain strategy for Canada
K Waddell, KA Moat, JN Lavis
Rapid Synthesis: Examining the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Ontario’s Health Workforce Regulatory System
K Waddell, KA Moat
McMaster Health Forum and Converge3. https://converge3. ihpme. utoronto. ca …, 2019
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Articles 1–20