Patrick Degryse
Patrick Degryse
hoogleraar KU Leuven
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Pliny the Elder and Sr–Nd isotopes: tracing the provenance of raw materials for Roman glass production
P Degryse, J Schneider
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (7), 1993-2000, 2008
Study of ancient mortars from Sagalassos (Turkey) in view of their conservation
P Degryse, J Elsen, M Waelkens
Cement and concrete research 32 (9), 1457-1463, 2002
Isotopic analysis: fundamentals and applications using ICP-MS
F Vanhaecke, P Degryse
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Sagalassos red slip ware: Typology and chronology
J Poblome
Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 2, 1999
Evidence for the trade of Mesopotamian and Egyptian glass to Mycenaean Greece
MS Walton, A Shortland, S Kirk, P Degryse
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (7), 1496-1503, 2009
Systematic evaluation of a strontium-specific extraction chromatographic resin for obtaining a purified Sr fraction with quantitative recovery from complex and Ca-rich matrices
D De Muynck, G Huelga-Suarez, L Van Heghe, P Degryse, F Vanhaecke
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24 (11), 1498-1510, 2009
Glass making in the Greco-Roman world: results of the ARCHGLASS project
P Degryse
Leuven University Press, 2014
Wine and olive oil permeation in pitched and non-pitched ceramics: relation with results from archaeological amphorae from Sagalassos, Turkey
K Romanus, J Baeten, J Poblome, S Accardo, P Degryse, P Jacobs, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (3), 900-909, 2009
Evidence for glass ‘recycling’using Pb and Sr isotopic ratios and Sr-mixing lines: the case of early Byzantine Sagalassos
P Degryse, J Schneider, U Haack, V Lauwers, J Poblome, M Waelkens, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 33 (4), 494-501, 2006
Trace Element Analysis in Provenancing R oman Glass‐Making
D Brems, P Degryse
Archaeometry 56, 116-136, 2014
Fingerprinting historical fluvial sediment fluxes
K D’Haen, G Verstraeten, P Degryse
Progress in Physical Geography 36 (2), 154-186, 2012
Western Mediterranean sand deposits as a raw material for Roman glass production
D Brems, P Degryse, F Hasendoncks, D Gimeno, A Silvestri, E Vassilieva, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (9), 2897-2907, 2012
Chemical characterisation of glass mosaic tesserae from sixth-century Sagalassos (south-west Turkey): chronology and production techniques
N Schibille, P Degryse, M Corremans, CG Specht
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (5), 1480-1492, 2012
HIMT, glass composition and commodity branding in the primary glass industry
IC Freestone, P Degryse, J Lankton, B Gratuze, J Schneider
Things that travelled: Mediterranean glass in the first millennium CE. UCL …, 2018
Oxygen and strontium isotopes as provenance indicators of fish at archaeological sites: the case study of Sagalassos, SW Turkey
E Dufour, C Holmden, W Van Neer, A Zazzo, WP Patterson, P Degryse, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (8), 1226-1239, 2007
Isotopes on the beach, part 1: strontium isotope ratios as a provenance indicator for lime raw materials used in Roman glass‐making
D Brems, M Ganio, K Latruwe, L Balcaen, M Carremans, D Gimeno, ...
Archaeometry 55 (2), 214-234, 2013
Roman glass across the Empire: an elemental and isotopic characterization
M Ganio, S Boyen, T Fenn, R Scott, S Vanhoutte, D Gimeno, P Degryse
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (5), 743-753, 2012
Isotopic discriminants between late Bronze Age glasses from Egypt and the Near East
P Degryse, A Boyce, N Erb‐Satullo, K Eremin, S Kirk, R Scott, ...
Archaeometry 52 (3), 380-388, 2010
Tracing the resources of iron working at ancient Sagalassos (south‐west Turkey): a combined lead and strontium isotope study on iron artefacts and ores
P Degryse, J Schneider, N Kellens, M Waelkens, P Muchez
Archaeometry 49 (1), 75-86, 2007
Identifying domestic functional areas. Chemical analysis of floor sediments at the Classical-Hellenistic settlement at Düzen Tepe (SW Turkey)
K Vyncke, P Degryse, E Vassilieva, M Waelkens
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (9), 2274-2292, 2011
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Articles 1–20