Dustin Thoman
Cited by
Cited by
Interest as the missing motivator in self-regulation
C Sansone, DB Thoman
European Psychologist 10 (3), 175-186, 2005
Dimensionality of the new ecological paradigm: Issues of factor structure and measurement
JW Amburgey, DB Thoman
Environment and Behavior 44 (2), 235-256, 2012
Feeling the threat: Stereotype threat as a contextual barrier to women’s science career choice intentions
ED Deemer, DB Thoman, JP Chase, JL Smith
Journal of Career Development 41 (2), 141-158, 2014
From bench to bedside: A communal utility value intervention to enhance students’ biomedical science motivation.
ER Brown, JL Smith, DB Thoman, JM Allen, G Muragishi
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (4), 1116, 2015
The role of altruistic values in motivating underrepresented minority students for biomedicine
DB Thoman, ER Brown, AZ Mason, AG Harmsen, JL Smith
BioScience 65 (2), 183-188, 2015
Beyond performance: A motivational experiences model of stereotype threat
DB Thoman, JL Smith, ER Brown, J Chase, JYK Lee
Educational psychology review 25 (2), 211-243, 2013
Maintaining activity engagement: Individual differences in the process of self‐regulating motivation
C Sansone, DB Thoman
Journal of Personality 74 (6), 1697-1720, 2006
The resource replenishment function of interest
DB Thoman, JL Smith, PJ Silvia
Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 (6), 592-599, 2011
Science that matters: The importance of a cultural connection in underrepresented students’ science pursuit
MC Jackson, G Galvez, I Landa, P Buonora, DB Thoman
CBE—Life Sciences Education 15 (3), ar42, 2016
To grab and to hold: Cultivating communal goals to overcome cultural and structural barriers in first-generation college students’ science interest.
JM Allen, GA Muragishi, JL Smith, DB Thoman, ER Brown
Translational issues in psychological science 1 (4), 331, 2015
Losing its expected communal value: How stereotype threat undermines women’s identity as research scientists
JL Smith, ER Brown, DB Thoman, ED Deemer
Social Psychology of Education 18, 443-466, 2015
Closing the communal gap: The importance of communal affordances in science career motivation
ER Brown, DB Thoman, JL Smith, AB Diekman
Journal of applied social psychology 45 (12), 662-673, 2015
Answers and new questions
C Sansone, DB Thoman
Learning and Instruction 15 (5), 507-515, 2005
The grass is greener in non-science, technology, engineering, and math classes: Examining the role of competing belonging to undergraduate women’s vulnerability to being pulled …
DB Thoman, JA Arizaga, JL Smith, TS Story, G Soncuya
Psychology of Women Quarterly 38 (2), 246-258, 2014
Talking about interest: Exploring the role of social interaction for regulating motivation and the interest experience
DB Thoman, C Sansone, M Pasupathi
Journal of Happiness Studies 8, 335-370, 2007
Variations of gender–math stereotype content affect women’s vulnerability to stereotype threat
DB Thoman, PH White, N Yamawaki, H Koishi
Sex roles 58, 702-712, 2008
Regulating interest when learning online: Potential motivation and performance trade-offs
C Sansone, JL Smith, DB Thoman, A MacNamara
The Internet and Higher Education 15 (3), 141-149, 2012
Open science, communal culture, and women’s participation in the movement to improve science
MC Murphy, AF Mejia, J Mejia, X Yan, S Cheryan, N Dasgupta, M Destin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24154-24164, 2020
Motivation under the microscope: Understanding undergraduate science students’ multiple motivations for research
JL Smith, ED Deemer, DB Thoman, L Zazworsky
Motivation and emotion 38, 496-512, 2014
Where and with whom does a brief social-belonging intervention promote progress in college?
GM Walton, MC Murphy, C Logel, DS Yeager, JP Goyer, ST Brady, ...
Science 380 (6644), 499-505, 2023
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Articles 1–20