N Kamaraju
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Cited by
Femtosecond carrier dynamics and saturable absorption in graphene suspensions
S Kumar, M Anija, N Kamaraju, KS Vasu, KS Subrahmanyam, AK Sood, ...
Applied physics letters 95 (19), 2009
Large nonlinear absorption and refraction coefficients of carbon nanotubes estimated from femtosecond z-scan measurements
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, AK Sood, S Guha, S Krishnamurthy, CNR Rao
Applied Physics Letters 91 (25), 2007
Raman scattering in and across the charge-disproportionation phase transition
S Ghosh, N Kamaraju, M Seto, A Fujimori, Y Takeda, S Ishiwata, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (24), 245110, 2005
Subcycle control of terahertz waveform polarization using all-optically induced transient metamaterials
N Kamaraju, A Rubano, L Jian, S Saha, T Venkatesan, J Nötzold, ...
Light: Science & Applications 3 (2), e155-e155, 2014
Transient GaAs Plasmonic Metasurfaces at Terahertz Frequencies
IB Yuanmu Yang, N. Kamaraju, Salvatore Campione, Sheng Liu, John L. Reno ...
ACS Photonics, 2016
Graphene analogue BCN: Femtosecond nonlinear optical susceptibility and hot carrier dynamics
S Kumar, N Kamaraju, KS Vasu, A Nag, AK Sood, CNR Rao
Chemical Physics Letters 499 (1-3), 152-157, 2010
Temperature-dependent chirped coherent phonon dynamics in Bi2Te3 using high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, AK Sood
Europhysics Letters 92 (4), 47007, 2010
Terahertz spectroscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes in a polymer film: observation of low-frequency phonons
S Kumar, N Kamaraju, B Karthikeyan, M Tondusson, E Freysz, AK Sood
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (29), 12446-12450, 2010
Double walled carbon nanotubes as ultrafast optical switches
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, YA Kim, T Hayashi, H Muramatsu, M Endo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (8), 2009
Large-amplitude chirped coherent phonons in tellurium mediated by ultrafast photoexcited carrier diffusion
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, M Anija, AK Sood
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (19), 195202, 2010
Ultrafast electron dynamics and cubic optical nonlinearity of freestanding thin film of double walled carbon nanotubes
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, B Karthikeyan, A Moravsky, RO Loutfy, AK Sood
Applied Physics Letters 93 (9), 2008
Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy to Detect Low‐Frequency Vibrations of Double‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes
S Kumar, N Kamaraju, A Moravsky, RO Loutfy, M Tondusson, E Freysz, ...
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2010 (27), 4363-4366, 2010
Terahertz magneto-optical spectroscopy of a two-dimensional hole gas
N Kamaraju, W Pan, U Ekenberg, DM Gvozdić, S Boubanga-Tombet, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (3), 2015
Magnetoelastoelectric coupling in core-shell nanoparticles enabling directional and mode-selective magnetic control of THz beam propagation
ABRG Moumita Dutta, Kamaraju Natarajan, Soutik Betal, Rohit P. Prasankumar
RSC Nanoscale 9 (35), 13052-13059, 2017
Indication of Te segregation in laser-irradiated ZnTe observed by in situ coherent-phonon spectroscopy
TK Toru Shimada , Christian Frischkorn , Martin Wolf
Applied Physics Letters, 2014
Coherent phonons in pyrochlore titanates O ( Dy, Gd, Tb): A phase transition in DyTiO at 110 K
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, S Saha, S Singh, R Suryanarayanan, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (13), 134104, 2011
Influence of two photon absorption induced free carriers on coherent polariton and phonon generation in ZnTe crystals
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, E Freysz, AK Sood
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (10), 2010
Direct observation of low frequency confined acoustic phonons in silver nanoparticles: Terahertz time domain spectroscopy
S Kumar, N Kamaraju, B Karthikeyan, M Tondusson, E Freysz, AK Sood
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (1), 2010
Ultrafast switching time and third order nonlinear coefficients of microwave treated single walled carbon nanotube suspensions
N Kamaraju, S Kumar, B Karthikeyan, B Kakade, VK Pillai, AK Sood
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (9), 5550-5554, 2009
Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of Undoped and Ho3+- Doped α-Bismuth Oxide Micro-Rods
NK Jit Sarkar, Shankar G Menon, Neena Prasad, Karthikeyan Balasubramanian
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 10007−10012, 2019
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