Steinþór Steingrímsson
Steinþór Steingrímsson
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
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Cited by
Risamálheild: A Very Large Icelandic Text Corpus
S Steingrímsson, S Helgadóttir, E Rögnvaldsson, S Barkarson, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
The ParlaMint corpora of parliamentary proceedings
T Erjavec, M Ogrodniczuk, P Osenova, N Ljubešić, K Simov, A Pančur, ...
Language resources and evaluation 57 (1), 415-448, 2022
The Icelandic Language in the Digital Age
E Rögnvaldsson, S Helgadóttir, KM Jóhannsdóttir, S Steingrímsson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Language technology programme for Icelandic 2019-2023
AB Nikulásdóttir, J Guðnason, AK Ingason, H Loftsson, E Rögnvaldsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09244, 2020
Language Technology for Icelandic 2018-2022: Project Plan
AB Nikulásdóttir, J Guðnason, S Steingrímsson
Mennta og menningarmálaráðuneytið, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2017
Augmenting a BiLSTM Tagger with a Morphological Lexicon and a Lexical Category Identification Step
S Steingrímsson, H Kárason, Örvar, Loftsson
The International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language …, 2019
DIM: The database of Icelandic morphology
K Bjarnadóttir, KI Hlynsdóttir, S Steingrímsson
Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, 146-154, 2019
Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint. ana 2.0
T Erjavec, M Ogrodniczuk, P Osenova, N Ljubešić, K Simov, V Grigorova, ...
Compiling and Filtering ParIce: An English-Icelandic Parallel Corpus
S Barkarson, S Steingrímsson
NoDaLiDa 2019, 100-145, 2019
A Universal Dependencies conversion pipeline for a Penn-format constituency treebank
Þ Arnardóttir, H Hafsteinsson, EF Sigurðsson, K Bjarnadóttir, AK Ingason, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020), 16-25, 2020
Evolving Large Text Corpora: Four Versions of the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus
S Barkarson, S Steingrímsson, H Hafsteinsdóttir
Málrómur: A manually verified corpus of recorded Icelandic speech
S Steingrímsson, J Guðnason, S Helgadóttir, E Rögnvaldsson
Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, 237-240, 2017
CombAlign: a tool for obtaining high-quality word alignments
S Steingrímsson, H Loftsson, A Way
Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2021
IGC-parl: Icelandic corpus of parliamentary proceedings
S Steingrímsson, S Barkarson, GT Örnólfsson
Proceedings of the Second ParlaCLARIN Workshop, 11-17, 2020
Experimenting with different machine translation models in medium-resource settings
HP Jónsson, HB Símonarson, V Snæbjarnarson, S Steingrímsson, ...
International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue, 95-103, 2020
Help Yourself from the Buffet: National Language Technology Infrastructure Initiative on CLARIN-IS
AB Nikulásdóttir, Þ Arnardóttir, J Guðnason, Þ Daði, AKI Gunnarsson, ...
CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, 124-128, 2021
Samrómur: Crowd-sourcing data collection for Icelandic speech recognition
DE Mollberg, ÓH Jónsson, S Þorsteinsdóttir, S Steingrímsson, ...
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Constructing multimodal language learner texts using LARA: Experiences with nine languages
E Akhlaghi, B Bédi, F Bektaş, H Berthelsen, M Butterweck, C Chua, ...
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 323-331, 2020
Analysing inconsistencies and errors in PoS tagging in two Icelandic gold standards
S Steingrímsson, S Helgadóttir, E Rögnvaldsson
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2015
Preliminary wmt24 ranking of general mt systems and llms
T Kocmi, E Avramidis, R Bawden, O Bojar, A Dvorkovich, C Federmann, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.19884, 2024
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Articles 1–20