Chris Holmden
Chris Holmden
Professor, Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan
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Isotopic evidence for geochemical decoupling between ancient epeiric seas and bordering oceans: implications for secular curves
C Holmden, RA Creaser, K Muehlenbachs, SA Leslie, SM Bergstrom
Geology 26 (6), 567-570, 1998
Environmental changes in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian: Review and new insights from black shales and nitrogen isotopes
MJ Melchin, CE Mitchell, C Holmden, P Štorch
Bulletin 125 (11-12), 1635-1670, 2013
Mineralogy, early marine diagenesis, and the chemistry of shallow-water carbonate sediments
JA Higgins, CL Blättler, EA Lundstrom, DP Santiago-Ramos, AA Akhtar, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 220, 512-534, 2018
Isotope fractionation in silicate melts by thermal diffusion
F Huang, P Chakraborty, CC Lundstrom, C Holmden, JJG Glessner, ...
Nature 464 (7287), 396-400, 2010
Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in Arctic Canada: sea-level forcing of carbonate platform weathering and implications for Hirnantian global correlation
MJ Melchin, C Holmden
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2-4), 186-200, 2006
Two millennia of North Atlantic seasonality and implications for Norse colonies
WP Patterson, KA Dietrich, C Holmden, JT Andrews
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 107 (12), 5306-5310, 2010
Local and global perspectives on carbon and nitrogen cycling during the Hirnantian glaciation
DF LaPorte, C Holmden, WP Patterson, JD Loxton, MJ Melchin, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 276 (1-4), 182-195, 2009
Ca isotope cycling in a forested ecosystem
C Holmden, N Bélanger
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (3), 995-1015, 2010
Local controls on carbon cycling in the Ordovician midcontinent region of North America, with implications for carbon isotope secular curves
KM Panchuk, CE Holmden, SA Leslie
Journal of Sedimentary Research 76 (2), 200-211, 2006
Interpreting the carbon-isotope record of ancient shallow epeiric seas: lessons from the recent
A Immenhauser, C Holmden, WP Patterson
Dynamics of epeiric seas 48, 137-174, 2008
The major ion, δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg geochemistry of granite weathering at pH= 1 and T= 25° C: power-law processes and the relative reactivity of minerals
JS Ryu, AD Jacobson, C Holmden, C Lundstrom, Z Zhang
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (20), 6004-6026, 2011
Silicate versus carbonate weathering in Iceland: New insights from Ca isotopes
AD Jacobson, MG Andrews, GO Lehn, C Holmden
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 416, 132-142, 2015
Global variability of chromium isotopes in seawater demonstrated by Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic Ocean samples
K Scheiderich, M Amini, C Holmden, R Francois
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 423, 87-97, 2015
δ44Ca evolution in a carbonate aquifer and its bearing on the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor for calcite
AD Jacobson, C Holmden
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 270 (3-4), 349-353, 2008
Calcium Isotopes (δ44/40Ca) in MPI‐DING Reference Glasses, USGS Rock Powders and Various Rocks: Evidence for Ca Isotope Fractionation in Terrestrial …
M Amini, A Eisenhauer, F Böhm, C Holmden, K Kreissig, F Hauff, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 33 (2), 231-247, 2009
Response of the Cr isotope proxy to Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 2 in a pelagic carbonate succession from the Western Interior Seaway
C Holmden, AD Jacobson, BB Sageman, MT Hurtgen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 186, 277-295, 2016
Fractionation between inorganic and organic carbon during the Lomagundi (2.22–2.1 Ga) carbon isotope excursion
A Bekker, C Holmden, NJ Beukes, F Kenig, B Eglinton, WP Patterson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271 (1-4), 278-291, 2008
Isotopic and elemental systematics of Sr and Nd in 454 Ma biogenic apatites: implications for paleoseawater studies
C Holmden, RA Creaser, K Muehlenbachs, SM Bergstrom, SA Leslie
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 142 (3-4), 425-437, 1996
Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Llandovery in Arctic Canada: implications for global correlation and sea-level change
MJ Melchin, C Holmden
Gff 128 (2), 173-180, 2006
Tracking the relationship between mountain uplift, silicate weathering, and long-term CO2 consumption with Ca isotopes: Southern Alps, New Zealand
J Moore, AD Jacobson, C Holmden, D Craw
Chemical Geology 341, 110-127, 2013
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