Manuel Romana
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Ingeniería de carreteras
C Kraemer, JM Pardillo, S Rocci, MG Romana, VS Blanco, MÁ Del Val
McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2004
Permanent deformation models for a granular material used in road pavements
I Pérez, L Medina, MG Romana
Construction and Building Materials 20 (9), 790-800, 2006
Estimating the rainfall erosivity factor from monthly precipitation data in the Madrid Region (Spain)
D Hernando, MG Romana
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 63 (1), 55-62, 2015
Aplicación de métodos de decisión multicriterio discretos al análisis de alternativas en estudios informativos de infraestructuras de transporte
BM Medina, MR García
Pensamiento matemático 6 (2), 27-45, 2016
Fuzzy model of vehicle delay to determine the level of service of two-lane roads
S Martín, MG Romana, M Santos
Expert Systems with Applications 54, 48-60, 2016
Modeling different penetration rates of eco-driving in urban areas: Impacts on traffic flow and emissions
A Garcia-Castro, A Monzon, C Valdes, M Romana
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (4), 282-294, 2017
Bus dwell-time model of main urban route stops: case study in Madrid, Spain
EM González, MG Romana, OM Álvaro
Transportation research record 2274 (1), 126-134, 2012
Measures of effectiveness for level-of-service assessment of two-lane roads: An alternative proposal using a threshold speed
MG Romana, I Pérez
Transportation Research Record 1988 (1), 56-62, 2006
Números gordos en el proyecto de estructuras
JCA Portero
CINTER divulgación técnica SLL, 2005
Revisiting the definition and measurement of capacity
L Elefteriadou, FL Hall, W Brilon, RP Roess, MG Romana
5th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of …, 2006
Passing activity on two-lane highways in Spain
MG Romana
Transportation research record 1678 (1), 90-95, 1999
Manual de capacidad de carreteras: traducción de HCM-2010
M Romana
Fundación Confemetal, 2017
Supersulfated cement applied to produce lightweight concrete
LF Kazanskaya, OM Smirnova, Á Palomo, I Menendez Pidal, M Romana
Materials 14 (2), 403, 2021
Estimate of the (R) USLE rainfall erosivity factor from monthly precipitation data in mainland Spain
D Hernando
Journal of Iberian Geology 42 (1), 113-124, 2016
Concursando en el aula: la gamificación mediante quiz-show como herramienta de dinamización docente
G Castilla, MG Romana, B López-Terradas
X Jornadas Internacionales de Innovación Universitaria Educar para transformar, 2013
Fuzzy expert system for road type identification and risk assessment of conventional two‐lane roads
F Barreno, MG Romana, M Santos
Expert Systems 39 (9), e12837, 2022
Typology selection of retaining walls based on multicriteria decision-making methods
B Muñoz-Medina, J Ordóñez, MG Romana, A Lara-Galera
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1457, 2021
Resultados del estudio experimental de flipped learning en el ámbito de la enseñanza de matemáticas en ingeniería
G Castilla, J Alriols, M Romana, JJ Escribano
Actas de las XII Jornadas Internacionales de Innovación Universitaria, 774-782, 2015
Sensitivity analysis of multicriteria decision making methodology developed for selection of typologies of earth-retaining walls in an urban highway
B Muñoz, MG Romana, J Ordóñez
Transportation research procedia 18, 135-139, 2016
Evalución práctica de niveles de servicio em carreteras convencionales de dos carriles em España
MG Romana
Tese (doutorado). Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Politécnica …, 1994
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Articles 1–20