Enrique Munoz Tavera
Enrique Munoz Tavera
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
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Cited by
Ballistic thermal conductance of graphene ribbons
E Munoz, J Lu, BI Yakobson
Nano letters 10 (5), 1652-1656, 2010
Graphene Science Handbook Electrical and Optical Properties
E Muñoz
Epitope analysis for influenza vaccine design
ET Munoz, MW Deem
Vaccine 23 (9), 1144-1148, 2005
The ultimate diamond slab: GraphAne versus graphEne
E Muñoz, AK Singh, MA Ribas, ES Penev, BI Yakobson
Diamond and Related Materials 19 (5), 368-373, 2010
Quantum heat engine in the relativistic limit: The case of a Dirac particle
E Muñoz, FJ Peña
Physical Review E 86 (6), 061108, 2012
Quasispecies theory for multiple-peak fitness landscapes
DB Saakian, E Munoz, CK Hu, MW Deem
Physical Review E 73 (4), 041913, 2006
Universal Out-of-Equilibrium Transport in Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dots: Renormalized Dual Fermions on the Keldysh Contour
E Muñoz, CJ Bolech, S Kirchner
Physical review letters 110 (1), 016601, 2013
Quasispecies theory for finite populations
JM Park, E Muñoz, MW Deem
Physical Review E 81 (1), 011902, 2010
Spin-lattice relaxation of individual solid-state spins
A Norambuena, E Muñoz, HT Dinani, A Jarmola, P Maletinsky, D Budker, ...
Physical Review B 97 (9), 094304, 2018
New Materials for Thermoelectric Applications: Theory and Experiment
S Kirchner, F Zamani, E Muñoz
Springer, 2013
Magnetostrain-driven quantum engine on a graphene flake
FJ Peña, E Muñoz
Physical Review E 91 (5), 052152, 2015
Electronic spectrum of a two-dimensional quantum dot array in the presence of electric and magnetic fields in the Hall configuration
E Muñoz, Z Barticevic, M Pacheco
Physical Review B 71 (16), 165301, 2005
Second virial coefficient for the Lennard–Jones potential
P Vargas, E Muñoz, L Rodriguez
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 290 (1-2), 92-100, 2001
Microarray and EST database estimates of mRNA expression levels differ: the protein length versus expression curve for C. elegans
ET Munoz, LD Bogarad, MW Deem
BMC genomics 5 (1), 1, 2004
Conductance scaling in Kondo-correlated quantum dots: Role of level asymmetry and charging energy
L Merker, S Kirchner, E Muñoz, TA Costi
Physical Review B 87 (16), 165132, 2013
Dislocation defect as a bulk probe of monopole charge of multi-Weyl semimetals
R Soto-Garrido, E Muñoz, V Juričić
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012043, 2020
Phonon-limited transport coefficients in extrinsic graphene
E Muñoz
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (19), 195302, 2012
Magnetically driven quantum heat engine
E Muñoz, FJ Peña
Physical Review E 89, 052107, 2014
Predicting the conductance of strongly correlated molecules: the Kondo effect in perchlorotriphenylmethyl/Au junctions
WH Appelt, A Droghetti, L Chioncel, MM Radonjić, E Muñoz, S Kirchner, ...
Nanoscale 10 (37), 17738-17750, 2018
The effect of electron scattering from disordered grain boundaries on the resistivity of metallic nanostructures
C Arenas, R Henriquez, L Moraga, E Muñoz, RC Munoz
Applied Surface Science 329, 184-196, 2015
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Articles 1–20