Kalman Knizhnik
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Observations and implications of large-amplitude longitudinal oscillations in a solar filament
M Luna, K Knizhnik, K Muglach, J Karpen, H Gilbert, TA Kucera, V Uritsky
The Astrophysical Journal 785 (1), 79, 2014
Propagating waves transverse to the magnetic field in a solar prominence
B Schmieder, TA Kucera, K Knizhnik, M Luna, A Lopez-Ariste, D Toot
The Astrophysical Journal 777 (2), 108, 2013
The acceleration of ions in solar flares during magnetic reconnection
K Knizhnik, M Swisdak, JF Drake
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 743 (2), L35, 2011
What determines the X-ray intensity and duration of a solar flare?
JW Reep, KJ Knizhnik
The Astrophysical Journal 874 (2), 157, 2019
Filament channel formation via magnetic helicity condensation
KJ Knizhnik, SK Antiochos, CR DeVore
The Astrophysical Journal 809 (2), 137, 2015
Power-law statistics of driven reconnection in the magnetically closed corona
KJ Knizhnik, VM Uritsky, JA Klimchuk, CR DeVore
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (1), 82, 2018
The role of twist in kinked flux rope emergence and delta-spot formation
KJ Knizhnik, MG Linton, CR DeVore
The Astrophysical Journal 864 (1), 89, 2018
The role of magnetic helicity in structuring the solar corona
KJ Knizhnik, SK Antiochos, CR DeVore
The Astrophysical Journal 835 (1), 85, 2017
The mechanism for the energy buildup driving solar eruptive events
KJ Knizhnik, SK Antiochos, CR DeVore, PF Wyper
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 851 (1), L17, 2017
The role of magnetic helicity in coronal heating
KJ Knizhnik, SK Antiochos, JA Klimchuk, CR DeVore
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (1), 26, 2019
The role of pressure anisotropy on particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection
KM Schoeffler, JF Drake, M Swisdak, K Knizhnik
The Astrophysical Journal 764 (2), 126, 2013
Nonlinear MHD waves in a prominence foot
L Ofman, K Knizhnik, T Kucera, B Schmieder
The Astrophysical Journal 813 (2), 124, 2015
On the Origin of the Photospheric Magnetic Field
PW Schuck, MG Linton, KJ Knizhnik, JE Leake
The Astrophysical Journal 936 (1), 94, 2022
The Distribution of Time Delays Between Nanoflares in Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
KJ Knizhnik, JW Reep
Solar Physics 295 (2), 21, 2020
The Rise and Emergence of Untwisted Toroidal Flux Ropes on the Sun
KJ Knizhnik, JE Leake, MG Linton, S Dacie
The Astrophysical Journal 907 (1), 19, 2021
Nanoflare Diagnostics from Magnetohydrodynamic Heating Profiles
KJ Knizhnik, WT Barnes, JW Reep, VM Uritsky
The Astrophysical Journal 899 (2), 156, 2020
Assessing the Performance of the ADAPT and AFT Flux Transport Models Using In Situ Measurements from Multiple Satellites
KJ Knizhnik, MJ Weberg, E Provornikova, HP Warren, MG Linton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 964 (2), 188, 2024
Characterizing the Umbral Magnetic Knots of δ-Sunspots
AA Norton, PJ Levens, KJ Knizhnik, MG Linton, Y Liu
The Astrophysical Journal 938 (2), 117, 2022
The effects of including farside observations on in situ predictions of heliospheric models
KJ Knizhnik, MJ Weberg, AS Zaveri, I Ugarte-Urra, YM Wang, LA Upton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 969 (2), 154, 2024
Observational Signatures of Coronal Heating in Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations without Radiation or a Lower Atmosphere
JA Klimchuk, KJ Knizhnik, VM Uritsky
The Astrophysical Journal 942 (1), 10, 2022
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