Association of low-birth weight with malnutrition in children under five years in Bangladesh: do mother’s education, socio-economic status, and birth interval matter? MS Rahman, T Howlader, MS Masud, ML Rahman PloS one 11 (6), e0157814, 2016 | 423 | 2016 |
Determinants of frequency and contents of antenatal care visits in Bangladesh: Assessing the extent of compliance with the WHO recommendations MM Islam, MS Masud PloS one 13 (9), e0204752, 2018 | 226 | 2018 |
Association between malnutrition and anemia in under-five children and women of reproductive age: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 MS Rahman, M Mushfiquee, MS Masud, T Howlader PloS one 14 (7), e0219170, 2019 | 152 | 2019 |
Health care seeking behaviour during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period in Bangladesh: Assessing the compliance with WHO recommendations MM Islam, MS Masud Midwifery 63, 8-16, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Statistical technique for analysing functional connectivity of multiple spike trains MS Masud, R Borisyuk Journal of Neuroscience Methods 196 (1), 201-219, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Shewhart control chart for individual measurement: an application in a weaving mill RK Biswas, MS Masud, E Kabir Proceedings of the 2015 Melbourne International Business and Social Science …, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Impact of child’s cognitive and social-emotional difficulties on child abuse: Does mother’s justification of intimate partner violence also play a role? A Afiaz, MS Masud, M Mansur Child Abuse & Neglect 117, 105028, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Advanced correlation grid: Analysis and visualisation of functional connectivity among multiple spike trains MS Masud, R Borisyuk, L Stuart Journal of neuroscience methods 286, 78-101, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Performance of T2 Chart over 𝑥𝑥̅ Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean: A Simulation Study MB Hossain, MS Masud Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science 2016, 498-512, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Mortality forecasting using Lee Carter model implemented to French mortality data MHR Khan, S Afrin, MS Masud The Dhaka University Journal of Science 62 (2), 99-104, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Factors Contributing to Pakistan’s GDP: A Principal Component Factor Analysis Approach SME Raheem, SS Sultana, MS Masud BRAC University Journal 3 (1), 27-33, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Assessing Community Clinic Utilization in Health Service Development of Bangladesh F Mahmud, TI Maruf, AM Kowsar, M Masud | | 2024 |
Advanced correlation grid: Analysis and visualisation of functional connectivity among multiple spike trains. R Borisyuk, L Stuart, MS Masud Netherlands, 2017 | | 2017 |
New statistical methods to derive functional connectivity from multiple spike trains MS Masud University of Plymouth, 2011 | | 2011 |
Multiple Logistic Regression with Missing Covariate Values MS Masud, MM Rahman The Dhaka University Journal of Science 55 (1), 13-17, 2007 | | 2007 |
MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION WITH MISSING COVARIATE VALUES MS Masud, MM Rahman Journal of Statistical Research 38 (1), 91-107, 2004 | | 2004 |
An Application of EM Algorithm to Multiple Regression with Missing Values of Independent Variables. MS Masud, MM Rahman Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 36 (1-4), 67-76, 2001 | | 2001 |
Modulated Renewal Process and Statistical Analysis of Multiple Spike-Trains M Masud, R Borisyuk | | |