Vassiliki Koufi
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Cited by
Enabling data protection through PKI encryption in IoT m-Health devices
C Doukas, I Maglogiannis, V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering …, 2012
Ubiquitous access to cloud emergency medical services
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2010
An android-enabled mobile framework for ubiquitous access to cloud emergency medical services
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos, A Prentza
2012 Second Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, 95-101, 2012
HDGPortal: A Grid portal application for pervasive access to process-based healthcare systems
V Koufi, G Vassilacopoulos
2008 Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2008
A medical diagnostic and treatment advice system for the provision of home care
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Pervasive Technologies …, 2008
A system for the provision of medical diagnostic and treatment advice in home care environment
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 14, 551-561, 2010
Context-aware access control for pervasive access to process-based healthcare systems
V Koufi, G Vassilacopoulos
Studies in health technology and informatics 136, 679, 2008
Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model to Evaluate Digital Health Services.
D Akritidi, P Gallos, V Koufi, F Malamateniou
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 295, 530-533, 2022
A big data-driven model for the optimization of healthcare processes
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Digital healthcare empowering Europeans, 697-701, 2015
A framework for privacy-preserving access to next-generation EHRs
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, A Tsohou, G Vassilacopoulos
e-Health–For Continuity of Care, 740-744, 2014
Building interoperable health information systems using agent and workflow technologies
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe, 180-184, 2009
Mining Greek tweets on long COVID using sentiment analysis and topic modeling
A Katika, E Zoulias, V Koufi, F Malamateniou
Healthcare Transformation with Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, 545-548, 2023
A mediation framework for the implementation of context-aware access control in pervasive grid-based healthcare systems
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing: 4th International Conference, GPC …, 2009
An Android-Enabled PHR-based System for the Provision of Homecare Services
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation …, 2013
An Android-enabled mobile framework for ensuring quality of life through patient-centric care
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
Quality of Life through Quality of Information, 1040-1044, 2012
Using ESB and BPEL for evolving healthcare systems towards pervasive, grid-enabled SOA
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, D Papakonstantinou, G Vassilacopoulos
Information Systems Development: Towards a Service Provision Society, 167-175, 2010
An event-based, role-based authorization model for healthcare workflow systems
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, E Mytilinaiou, G Vassilacopoulos
Electronic Healthcare: Third International Conference, eHealth 2010 …, 2012
Towards Clinical and Operational Efficiency through Healthcare Process Analytics
V Koufi, F Malamateniou, G Vassilacopoulos
International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (IJBDAH) 1 (1 …, 2016
Virtual patient record security on a Grid infrastructure
V Koufi, D Papakonstantinou, G Vassilacopoulos
Proceedings of the international conference on information communication …, 2006
An automated skills assessment framework for laparoscopic training tasks
NP Sgouros, C Loukas, V Koufi, TG Troupis, E Georgiou
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2018
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Articles 1–20