Jonathan Jackson
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Cited by
Why do people comply with the law? Legitimacy and the influence of legal institutions
J Jackson, B Bradford, M Hough, A Myhill, P Quinton, T Tyler
British Journal of Criminology 52 (6), 1051-1071, 2012
Popular legitimacy and the exercise of legal authority: Motivating compliance, cooperation and engagement
T Tyler, J Jackson
Psychology, Public Policy and Law 20 (1), 78-95, 2014
Procedural justice, trust and institutional legitimacy
M Hough, J Jackson, B Bradford, A Myhill, P Quinton
Policing 4 (3), 203-210, 2010
Contact and confidence: revisiting the impact of public encounters with the police
B Bradford, J Jackson, EA Stanko
Policing & Society 19 (1), 20-46, 2009
Just authority? Trust in the police in England and Wales
J Jackson, B Bradford, B Stanko, K Hohl
Routledge, 2013
Experience and expression: Social and cultural significance in the fear of crime
J Jackson
British Journal of Criminology 44 (6), 946-966, 2004
Social order and the fear of crime in contemporary times
S Farrall, J Jackson, E Gray
Oxford University Press, 2009
Public confidence in policing: A neo-Durkheimian perspective
J Jackson, J Sunshine
British Journal of Criminology 47 (2), 214-233, 2007
Does the fear of debt deter students from higher education?
C Callender, J Jackson
Journal of Social Policy 34 (4), 509, 2005
A psychological perspective on vulnerability in the fear of crime
J Jackson
Psychology, Crime & Law 15 (4), 365-390, 2009
Europeans and biotechnology in 2005: patterns and trends
G Gaskell, S Stares, A Allansdottir, N Allum, C Corchero, J Jackson
Publications Office of the European Union, 2006
What is trust and confidence in the police?
J Jackson, B Bradford
Policing 4 (3), 241-248, 2010
Crime, policing and social order: on the expressive nature of public confidence in policing
J Jackson, B Bradford
British Journal of Sociology 60 (3), 493-521, 2009
Officers as mirrors: Policing, procedural justice and the (re)production of social identity
B Bradford, K Murphy, J Jackson
British Journal of Criminology 54 (4), 527-500, 2014
Functional fear and public insecurities about crime
J Jackson, E Gray
British Journal of Criminology 50 (1), 1-22, 2010
Does the fear of debt constrain choice of university and subject of study?
C Callender, J Jackson
Studies in Higher Education 33 (4), 405-429, 2008
Introducing fear of crime to risk research
J Jackson
Risk Analysis 26 (1), 253-264, 2006
Europeans and biotechnology in 2010: winds of change?
G Gaskell, S Stares, A Allansdottir, N Allum, P Castro, J Jackson
Publications Office of the European Union, 2010
Reassessing the fear of crime
E Gray, J Jackson, S Farrall
European Journal of Criminology 5 (3), 363-380, 2008
What price fairness when security is at stake? Police legitimacy in South Africa
B Bradford, A Huq, J Jackson, B Roberts
Regulation & Governance 8 (2), 246-269, 2014
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Articles 1–20