Jose Maria Gonzalez Linares
Jose Maria Gonzalez Linares
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Cited by
An optimized approach to histogram computation on GPU
J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, JI Benavides, N Guil
Machine Vision and Applications 24 (5), 899-908, 2013
Performance modeling of atomic additions on GPU scratchpad memory
J Gomez-Luna, JM Gonzalez-Linares, JIB Benitez, NG Mata
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (11), 2273-2282, 2012
Logotype detection to support semantic-based video annotation
JR Cózar, N Guil, JM González-Linares, EL Zapata, E Izquierdo
Signal Processing: Image Communication 22 (7-8), 669-679, 2007
Bidimensional shape detection using an invariant approach
N Guil, JM González-Linares, EL Zapata
Pattern Recognition 32 (6), 1025-1038, 1999
Performance models for asynchronous data transfers on consumer graphics processing units
J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, JI Benavides, N Guil
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 72 (9), 1117-1126, 2012
In-place transposition of rectangular matrices on accelerators
IJ Sung, J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, N Guil, WMW Hwu
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 49 (8), 207-218, 2014
A clustering technique for video copy detection
N Guil, JM González-Linares, JR Cózar, EL Zapata
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Third Iberian Conference, IbPRIA …, 2007
In-place matrix transposition on GPUs
J Gomez-Luna, IJ Sung, LW Chang, JM González-Linares, N Guil, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (3), 776-788, 2015
Parallelization of a video segmentation algorithm on CUDA–enabled graphics processing units
J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, JI Benavides, N Guil
Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing: 15th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2009
An efficient 2D deformable objects detection and location algorithm
JM González-Linares, N Guil, EL Zapata
Pattern Recognition 36 (11), 2543-2556, 2003
Performance models for CUDA streams on NVIDIA GeForce series
J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, JI Benavides, N Guil
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput 72 (9), 1117-1126, 2012
Video cataloging based on robust logotype detection
JR Cózar, N Guil, JM Gonzalez-Linares, EL Zapata
2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 3217-3220, 2006
Load balancing versus occupancy maximization on graphics processing units: The generalized hough transform as a case study
J Gómez-Luna, JM González-Linares, J Ignacio Benavides, EL Zapata, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 25 (2 …, 2011
A TV-logo classification and learning system
P Nieto, JR Cózar, JM Gonzalez-Linares, N Guil
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2548-2551, 2008
Visual words selection for human action classification
JR Cózar, JM González-Linares, N Guil, R Hernández, Y Heredia
2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2012
An efficient image processing algorithm for high-level skill acquisition
J González-Linares, N Guil, P Pérez, M Ehrenmann, R Dillmann
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task …, 1999
A tasks reordering model to reduce transfers overhead on GPUs
AJ Lázaro-Muńoz, JM González-Linares, J Gómez-Luna, N Guil
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 109, 258-271, 2017
Egomotion compensation and moving objects detection algorithm on GPU
J Gómez-Luna, H Endt, W Stechele, JM González-Linares, JI Benavides, ...
Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing, 183-190, 2012
Deformable shapes detection by stochastic optimization
JM Gonzalez-Linares, N Guil, EL Zapata, PM Ortigosa, I Garcia
Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2000
Simulation and architecture improvements of atomic operations on GPU scratchpad memory
GJ van den Braak, J Gómez-Luna, H Corporaal, JM Gonzalez-Linares, ...
2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 357-362, 2013
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Articles 1–20