Baptiste Marteau
Baptiste Marteau
Lecturer - University of Rennes 2, UMR 6554 LETG (FR)
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Cited by
Application of Structure‐from‐Motion photogrammetry to river restoration
B Marteau, D Vericat, C Gibbins, RJ Batalla, DR Green
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (3), 503-515, 2017
Asynchronicity of fine sediment supply and its effects on transport and storage in a regulated river
B Marteau, RJ Batalla, D Vericat, C Gibbins
Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 2614-2633, 2018
The importance of a small ephemeral tributary for fine sediment dynamics in a main‐stem river
B Marteau, RJ Batalla, D Vericat, C Gibbins
River Research and Applications 33 (10), 1564-1574, 2017
Riparian shading mitigates warming but cannot revert thermal alteration by impoundments in lowland rivers
B Marteau, H Piégay, A Chandesris, K Michel, L Vaudor
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2022
Can gravel augmentation restore thermal functions in gravel‐bed rivers? A need to assess success within a trajectory‐based before-after control-impact framework
B Marteau, K Michel, H Piégay
Hydrological Processes, e14480, 2022
Stream macroinvertebrates and carbon cycling in tangled food webs
BOL Demars, JL Kemp, B Marteau, N Friberg, B Thornton
Ecosystems, 1-18, 2021
Geomorphological response to system‐scale river rehabilitation I: Sediment supply from a reconnected tributary
B Marteau, C Gibbins, D Vericat, RJ Batalla
River Research and Applications 36 (8), 1488-1503, 2020
Geomorphological response to system‐scale river rehabilitation II: Main‐stem channel adjustments following reconnection of an ephemeral tributary
B Marteau, C Gibbins, D Vericat, RJ Batalla
River Research and Applications 36 (8), 1472-1487, 2020
A high‐resolution inter‐annual framework for exploring hydrological drivers of large wood dynamics
B Hortobágyi, S Petit, B Marteau, G Melun, H Piégay
River Research and Applications, 2024
Why Consider Geomorphology in River Rehabilitation?
H Piégay, F Arnaud, B Belletti, M Cassel, B Marteau, J Riquier, ...
Land 12 (8), 1491, 2023
Intrinsic water use efficiency estimate: an isotopic method v1
F Gerle, P Malherbe, C Boisselet, D Lafleuriel, J Godfroy, P Lochin, ...
Long-term geomorphic adjustments following the recoupling of a tributary to its main-stem river
J Blackburn, B Marteau, D Vericat, RJ Batalla, JC Comte, C Gibbins
Geomorphology 424, 108561, 2023
Identification des apports du karst par thermographie infra-rouge aéroportée: campagnes de mesures de 2013 sur la Cèze
B Marteau, J Ré-Bahuaud, V Wawrzyniak
Karstologia, 25 à 32, 2020
Geomorphological Evolution and Ecological Response of the River Ehen to the Reconnection of a Headwater Tributary
B Marteau
Aberdeen University, 2017
Can Multiscale Thermal Infrared Imaging Help Validate and Monitor Water Stress in Alluvial Forests?
J Godfroy, P Malherbe, F Gerle, B Marteau, P Lochin, S Puijalon, J Lejot, ...
Ecohydrology, e2710, 2024
Riverscape-scale airborne TIR assessment of weirs and riparian cover effects on lowland river temperature
B Marteau, A Chandesris, F Cernesson, K Michel, L Vaudor, H Piégay
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-7134, 2021
Effets de la ripisylve sur l'échauffement thermique des cours d'eau: de l'évaluation par télédétection à l'extrapolation à l'échelle régionale (plaine de la Bresse)
B Marteau, H Piégay, A Chandesris, F Cernesson, K Michel, J Piffady, ...
EVS-UMR 5600, 2020
Effects of repeated drawdown flushing on riverbed fine sediment dynamics downstream from a dam
T Bulteau, B Marteau, RJ Batalla, E Chapron, P Valette, H Piégay
Anthropocene 47, 100444, 2024
Dynamique des changements contemporains de la rivière d'Ain, de ses affluents et du Rhône aux portes de Lyon, en réponse aux pressions anthropiques multiples, anciennes et à venir
N Landon, F Arnaud, J Lejot, B Marteau, O Navratil, A Peeters, H Piégay, ...
Journées de la commission Hydrosystèmes Continentaux du CNFG, 2024
La basse vallée de l'Ain de Varambon à Mollon: à la découverte des impacts, des enjeux et des opérations de restauration, des suivis scientifiques
H Piégay, F Arnaud, J Lejot, B Marteau, N Landon
Journées de la commission Hydrosystèmes continentaux du CNFG, 2024
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Articles 1–20