The ‐Transform Method and Delta Type Fractional Difference Operators D Mozyrska, M Wyrwas Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2015 (1), 852734, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
Comparison of h-Difference Fractional Operators D Mozyrska, E Girejko, M Wyrwas Advances in the Theory and Applications of Non-integer Order Systems: 5th …, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Algebraic formalism of differential one-forms for nonlinear control systems on time scales. Z Bartosiewicz, Ü Kotta, E Pawłuszewicz, M Wyrwas Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Mathematics 56 (3), 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Solutions of systems with the Caputo–Fabrizio fractional delta derivative on time scales D Mozyrska, DFM Torres, M Wyrwas Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 32, 168-176, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Irreducibility, reduction and transfer equivalence of nonlinear input–output equations on homogeneous time scales U Kotta, Z Bartosiewicz, E Pawłuszewicz, M Wyrwas Systems & control letters 58 (9), 646-651, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
Control systems on regular time scales and their differential rings Z Bartosiewicz, Ü Kotta, E Pawłuszewicz, M Wyrwas Mathematics of control, signals, and systems 22, 185-201, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Local observability and controllability of nonlinear discrete-time fractional order systems based on their linearisation D Mozyrska, E Pawłuszewicz, M Wyrwas International Journal of Systems Science 48 (4), 788-794, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Advances in the Theory and Applications of Non-integer Order Systems: 5th Conference on Non-integer Order Calculus and Its Applications, Cracow, Poland W Mitkowski, J Kacprzyk, J Baranowski Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
A sufficient condition of viability for fractional differential equations with the Caputo derivative E Girejko, D Mozyrska, M Wyrwas Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 381 (1), 146-154, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
Stability, stabilization and observers of linear control systems on time scales Z Bartosiewicz, E Piotrowska, M Wyrwas 2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2803-2808, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Stability of nonlinear -difference systems with fractional orders M Wyrwas, E Pawluszewicz, E Girejko Kybernetika 51 (1), 112-136, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Stability of discrete fractional-order nonlinear systems with the nabla Caputo difference M Wyrwas, D Mozyrska, E Girejko IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (1), 167-171, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Transfer equivalence and realization of nonlinear input-output delta-differential equations on homogeneous time scales D Casagrande, Ü Kotta, M Tonso, M Wyrwas IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (11), 2601-2606, 2010 | 30 | 2010 |
Stability by linear approximation and the relation between the stability of difference and differential fractional systems D Mozyrska, M Wyrwas Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40 (11), 4080-4091, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Fractional nonlinear systems with sequential operators D Mozyrska, E Girejko, M Wyrwas Open Physics 11 (10), 1295-1303, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Stability of discrete fractional linear systems with positive orders D Mozyrska, M Wyrwas IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 8115-8120, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
On Mittag–Leffler stability of fractional order difference systems M Wyrwas, D Mozyrska Advances in Modelling and Control of Non-integer-Order Systems: 6th …, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Explicit criteria for stability of fractional h-difference two-dimensional systems D Mozyrska, M Wyrwas International Journal of Dynamics and Control 5 (1), 4-9, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Stability conditions for fractional-order linear equations with delays D Mozyrska, P Ostalczyk, M Wyrwas Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
The h‐Difference Approach to Controllability and Observability of Fractional Linear Systems with Caputo–Type Operator D Mozyrska, E Pawłuszewicz, M Wyrwas Asian Journal of Control 17 (4), 1163-1173, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |